Monday, September 23, 2013

Cinnamon Peach Bread In A Jar

Fresh peaches are one of my favorite
fruits and we have tons here right now.

I decided I needed to make a bread 
filled with peaches and touches of 

Of course everything is more wonderful in
a jar.  I made a batch and filled
5 jelly jars and had enough left over to
make a small loaf which we were able to
sample before I brought these to a luncheon.

They were a hit hot out of the oven and just as good the next
day once I topped them with a dollop of frosting, a fresh peach
slice and some cinnamon sugar.  The peaches gave the bread
a wonderful moistness.

Cinnamon Peach Bread In A Jar Recipe

1/2 C butter, softened
1/2 C. brown sugar
1/2 C. white sugar
1 egg
1 C. buttermilk
2 C. flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 C. mashed fresh peaches
1 tsp. cinnamon

2 T. softened butter
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
2 T. brown sugar
1/4 C. flour

Preheat oven to 350.

Cream the butter and sugars together, scraping the sides
of the bowl.  Blend in the egg.  In a separate bowl mix the
flour and soda together.  Add the flour mix and the buttermilk
and blend until smooth.  In a separate bowl mix the peaches and
cinnamon together.  Stir them into the batter.  Set aside.

Mix the ingredients for the crumble together with
your hands or two forks.

Spray jelly mason jars with Pam with flour and fill the
jars 1/2 full.  Sprinkle the crumble on the top of
the batter.  Place the jelly jars on a pan and
bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean.

1/4 C. softened butter
2 C. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
pinch salt
2-3 T. cold water

Mix in bowl until smooth and fluffy

When the breads are cool, top with a dollop
of frosting, a slice of peach and cinnamon sugar.

Serve additional frosting on the side if desired.
Makes one loaf (bake for 45-50 minutes if in a
loaf) or about 10 jelly jars.

Fresh peach season is one of my favorite times of year.
Alas they come and go so quickly!


  1. I still have a handful of peaches left from a 1/2 bushel. This looks wonderful. I am off to bake some in cute jars now. Thanks for sharing.

  2. These are sooooo cute! Your talents are amazing.... I'm pretty sure that there was a fabulous aroma going on around you....

  3. Very are wonderful in details:)

  4. Wow, these look soooo good! And I don't bake, lol!! But I sure would love to eat these ;)

  5. You have an interesting blog. Everything looks delicious. Great photos.
    Glad to have you as the newest follower of Spiritual Sundays.

  6. Awesome little desserts Jacqueline.
    You are baking up a storm lately.
    I wonder how you keep your waist so thin? LOL Love your yummy desserts. xo Linda

  7. Very yummy I'm sure! Enjoy those peaches Jacqueline, our season has past out here:@)

  8. Attractive and delish! What fun it would be to have this at my place at the table!

  9. Jacqueline, I've been saving jelly jars to use for making pie in a jar. Thanks for this recipe. Looks delicious. Happy Autumn!

  10. I just love anything PEACH...almost as much as I ♥ Lemon!
    I can't wait to try these little gems. You did them up soooo pretty, too. Good job!!

  11. This looks so yummy and fun! Did i tell you we also grow peaches? I hope to bring you some apples when we are there in a few weeks!
    What kind are your favorite apple? I will see if I have them!

  12. So pretty and yummy Jacqueline! I could eat desserts from fall until spring ;o)

  13. Hi Jacqueline, This peach bread looks and sounds delicious! I could even eat this for breakfast with a fresh peach. Linda


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