Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Miss Utah County and Her Little Miss

I am so thrilled to announce that my dear, dear friend
Hannah Harkness,
a piano performance major at BYU
won the title of
Miss Utah County this
past Saturday
and my oldest granddaughter
Kylie was her Little Miss.

Hannah was stunning in her gold gown that was
absolutely perfect on her.
She played Flight of the Bumblebee
which she told us is a 90 second
performance with 1, 197 notes
performed during the minute and a half.
Here she is flanked by her attendants.

Kylie had told me one day while we were 
driving down the road that she only had two
dreams in life, one Hannah had already made
come true by asking her to be her Little Miss
and the other was to go to Paris!

After Hannah's title was announced 
Kylie yelled out, "I did it!"  We all had
a big laugh at that.

What a character!!!
Congratulations to Hannah
There isn't a sweeter girl that could have
been awarded the crown, nor a more
talented one that I know.


  1. What fun!!!!
    I know how much you have enjoyed working with her! She is a beautiful young woman and that gold dress is gorgeous on her! Kylie had a blast I am sure! I have a sneaking suspicion that someday she will go to Paris!!!!
    You are an awesome grandma!
    Hugs and congrats to bith hour pretty princesses!

  2. Lovely people who deserve wonderful experiences and to see their talent (inner included) recognised.

    She's, indeed, lovely!

    Wishing both Misses a long life full of achievements and dreams fullfiled.


  3. I think you have had just way too much excitement in your life lately! They are both very beautiful!

  4. Wow, Thank you for this amazing post! I feel absolutely speechless. I couldn't have done it without my Queen mom! I love you <3

  5. Beauty all around! How fun for your granddaughter, and for you to see your granddaughter as the Little Miss:)

  6. She is so beautiful and stunning in her dress. I have had the privilege of hearing her play; she is amazing. Cute story about Kylie. Joni

  7. I love this! She is so adorable! Im so glad to see all the pictures of her and Hannah. I think its so great she gets to do this with her!


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