Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Pan-full of Sugar Cookies - Like Sweet Tooth Fairy

I am a sucker for a good sugar cookie
and there is one in town that we are 
in love with at

They are just barely baked
so they just melt in your mouth and
have a hint of coconut and almond flavoring.

When my sister from Texas came to visit
a couple of years ago we discovered these
and went back every day!  

So when her daughter, my niece, brought over
some bar sugar cookies she made off
Pinterest, I decided to play around and 
see if I could make one that reminded
me of
Sweet Tooth Fairy's fabulous cookie.

What's great about this idea is that 
you mix, pat in pan, bake and frost
all in a few steps and you have
a pan-full of melt-in-you-mouth
sugar cookies
without flouring and rolling and 
frosting each cookie.

They are perfect for feeding a crowd.

She got the recipe from
who got it from
and the Repressed Pastry Chef
said she got it from
so who knows where the original sugar
cookie recipe comes from, but we loved it.
This is a variation on the above to make
mine more like Sweet Tooth Fairy's.

A Pan-full of Sugar Cookies Recipe

1 C. butter, room temperature
2 C. granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp. coconut flavoring
5 C. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. soda

Cream the butter and sugar and then add the eggs
one at a time, scraping sides between additions.
combine the dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl
and whisk together to incorporate the salt and the

When the sugar and egg mixture is light and fluffy,
mix in the flour mixture and combine well.

Spray a large sheet pan
(You used to be able to buy these in Costco
and also at most kitchen stores.)
Press the dough into the pan and smooth out.
Place in a preheated 375 degree oven
for 12-13 minutes.  You can easily
overbake these and I would rather have
my sugar cookies a little underbaked.
I baked until it looked dry on the top,
it will sink a little when it cools.

Cool completely and frost with
Almond Coconut Frosting

3/4 C. softened butter
6 C. powdered sugar
1 tsp. clear vanilla
1 1/2 tsp. almond flavoring
1/2 tsp. coconut flavoring
5-6 T. cold water 
pink or red food coloring

Place all ingredients in a mixer bowl using the
whip attachment.  Whip until creamy.  Add 
additional water if needed 1 T. at a time to
make a creamy soft frosting. Add the food coloring
a little at a time to make a pink frosting.  Beat for 5-7
minutes to make it really creamy.

When the pan is completely cool, frost the
cookies and add the sprinkles before the
frosting sets up.  Let the frosting set up
before cutting.  

Even though the pan makes a ton of cookies,
they will go quickly because you hardly
have to chew!!

I think the coconut softens and rounds out the
almond flavoring.  If you aren't a fan of
almond flavoring, just use 2 tsp. vanilla
for the frosting, but we love our frosting
with almond and this twist on it
makes a fabulous frosting.

I made these to take to a pool party -
trying to get in the last few before
summer ends.

Sure enough, you serve sugar and 
mermaids come swimming up for
a bite!

I will be posting this with


  1. I have made sugar cookie bars, but I need to try your recipe. The addition of the almond and coconut sounds so yummy!
    How cool that you have mermaids swimming around n your pool:)

  2. I'm really getting into bar cookies Jacqueline, yummy and so much more foolproof than others! They sound great and the girls are adorable-enjoy:@)

  3. Jacqueline, I'm doing some baking this weekend, before the girls go back to college. I absolutely MUST try these! They love sugar cookies and anything with almond flavor. I'm sure these are delicious!

  4. The almond and coconut combination sounds so good! I've pinned these to make for back to school treats. :) Love the mermaids!

  5. These sound sooooo good! I will resist though, until the grands come next week!

  6. That looks so delicious I will have to make those soon, they are so easy and one of my favorite things is sugar cookies...yay for finding a great recipe...Phyllis

  7. I really like sugar cookies and this is a quick way to ice some. There is a recipe on Pinterest for shortbread baked in a big flat sheet and iced as well. Recently I bought a square of "millionaires" shortbread and it had a think layer of chocolate spread over it.
    The mermaids are sweet looking, hope they were able to share lots of your cookies.

  8. These sound so good, and your idea to bake them in the pan is a great idea. Such a time savor! Your little mermaids are adorable.

  9. Thank you. I love a sugar cookie

  10. I love sugar cookies and can't wait to give this recipe a try...looks so good

  11. I found a sugar cookie recipe (probably the original) on Facebook last week, and made them Wednesday. They were gone by Friday. 3 people eating LOTS of pan sugar cookies! Yummy! Bet your adaptation is great too. Have a blessed day.

  12. At least 4 neighbors made these this week! Thanks for reading my blog and trying the recipes! That means the blog was a success.

  13. Happy Looking food?! I'm in :)
    Everything looks better with sprinkles!
    Thank you for sharing,


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