Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ahoy Mateys - Happy Anniversary Tablescape

These here old Pirates be celebrating their 34th year
of wedded bliss and they done took their entire flock

Ye remember talk of Pirate's Cove on
this here blog.

where there be jumpin' and divin'
and swimmin'

and slidin' through an old wrecked ship

and even explorin' in caves
for all yer scurvy mates!

There be somethin' fer every age!

and if ye really be lucky
ye might set yer eyes on a live

There be friendly mermaids here,
none of them there man eatin' kind!

Today lunch be served in this here

Known as One Eyed Jack's Tavern.

It be mighty scary, but plenty of fun.

The table be set with a treasure of jewels
right in front of the Skull Wall.

Right next to the Skull Wall is a fancy
dungeon where a Pirate Maid
watches over the vittles.

There she be!

All of this dinin' finery is here on 
the property.  
The plates and bowls shine with metallic

Huge skull goblets be over the top.

For this table this humble pirate
did bring the napkins and
the napkin rings from her abode, 
but the placemats are located here
at Pirate's Cove.

The place be filled with trinkets to fill yer tables.

All this finery was right here in the cave.

The kitchen had three choices of flatware -
what a bounty of fun for a wench like me.

I be willin' to sign up for permanent residence here.

Fancy this table and chairs in your own cave.

Here the skull cup be filled with slushy

one of the little pirates' favorite treats.

There be plenty of staff around in the cave to help
with yer lunch prep

Thou they ain't too active with that there
ball and chain weighin' 'em down.

But we still managed to scrap together
some tri tip quesadillas.

If ye head up the tunnel at the back of the
cave ye be findin' jailed pirates tryin'
to filch the keys from the dog.

They both be movin' and speakin' so don't 
be alarmed.

As night falls everything at Pirate's cove
begins to glow and 
One Eyed Jack's is no exception.

The skull wall takes on a life of its own and
casts its eery glow.

What a fun anniversary to be had here.  There
be so many fun places to set tables that ye be
seeing several more in the future!
This tablescape lovin' wench just
couldn't help herself!

Aye Aye Captain!

Be on the lookout for more Pirate
Tables from Pirate's Cove.

We be takin' this anniversary party to

The Tablescaper who is celebrating
her 4th Blog-a-versary with a $100
gift certificate for Home Goods
(My store of stores!!)
Give her a visit and become a follower.


  1. Gorgeous! What FUN! It seems like it is right out of a pirate movie or a storybook. AND you look FABULOUS darling!!

  2. Wow what an amazing post. You make a beautiful pirate. Happy 34th you lovely lady!

  3. Ahoy, matey! Ye outdid yourself on this one. What a fun way to celebrate with the family. Happy Anniversary! Look forward to seeing more.

  4. What fun! You have a great imagination and a great sense of occasion. I'll bet every member of your crew had a wonderful time!

  5. You captured it soooo perfectly. What an amazing place! Soooo fun that they have the pirate plates and other accessories. Such an amazing table you set! Kylie is the perfect mermaid. Though here tell there was another mermaid swimming about the water! Love all the pirates. You and Kirk look so great. Happy 34th!

  6. Happy Anny Jacqueline! Looks like you all sure had fun-enjoy:@)

  7. Happy Anniversary! What a fun way to celebrate! How neat that all of that dinin' finery was on the property. Can't wait to see more!

  8. Those be the makings of an anniversary memory. Great fun! Congratulations!

  9. I had a blast right along with you guys seeing these fun photos of you all celebrating an anniversary! Happy many more :)

  10. Oh Wow Jacqueline, this would be such a fun place to visit. I had to go back and check out the previous posts to see what it was all about. How cool is that? I love it! It's the kind of spot we could only dream about. Thank you for allowing us to stow away for a peek on your grand adventures Matey! Arrr! :)

  11. You are such a wonderful couple..and I agree that mermaid is so cute..How nice to have shared your anniversary with your whole family..

    Bon Anniversaire!

  12. Happy Anniversary Jacqueline, what a fun place to celebrate. Next thing we know, you'll be in the next Jack Sparrow episode!

  13. Such a fun experience Jacqueline. Happy anniversary to such a lovely couple. The whole family is smiling ear to ear. Love the Ahoy Matey theme. You make a beautiful wrench....xoxo Linda

  14. How fascinating! Loads of fun for everyone....and what an adorable little mermaid you have there. Happy Anniversary to the two of you!! Blessings.

  15. Jacqueline,
    What a great Family Birthday Party! I sometimes have Family birthday Parties becaseu that is the day our family began! SO MUCH FUN!!! My crew would LOVE going there! I may need to wait until there are more little pirates to come, but maybe NOT!
    You do look so adorable, as always, you make things so much fun! Did you take the clothing with you or is that all available for use for pictures there at the Cove?

  16. Argh, matey! That be one booty-ful tablescape! You must be one kind wench to invite all those scurvy curs along with you on your annivers-aaaar-y! This here buccaneer(me) best be taking you to a movie soon as a poor attemt to say thank you, or they'll be walking the plank!

  17. The one that says Tyvarian International is me,Shaunna.

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! What a fun celebration!

  19. This is cooler than cool!!! Wow! What a neat place! And they had all of that in to use already??!?!? Makes it a LOT easier! Napkins are easy to bring along! :-)

    You guys took really great pictures there! What a fun way to spend your anniversary!

    I love this tablescape because it shows readers another way to use all of the stuff they have on hand for Halloween. They can totally repurpose it and get their pirate on! :-)

  20. What a fab post, Jac! Loved it, it was like reading a book, I couldn't read fast enough to see what was next! What a fun place!! And they let you set tables, too? Wow. Good advertising for them, fun for you! Happy 34th Anniversary to you and your hubby. xo

  21. OW OW!! you two make a mighty fine pirate couple! Glad it was such a good anniversary! 34 years is just awesome! you guys are the best! Happy Anniversary!

  22. No, we brought the costumes - I had everyone dress up for the actual anniversary night but I will do that in a later post!

  23. What a fun celebration! That looks like a great place! It must have been so much fun! Love the dishes! Your story is so cute to read. Congrats on your 34th! We just had our 35th!

  24. what a great place, I bet that was so much fun!

  25. What a fun place to spend an anniversary with the family. Happy Anniversary.. wishing you many many more years of bliss! That is one darling table!!! And you brought the right napkins and napkin rings. Fabulous. Can't wait to see the rest. xo marlis

  26. Oh, so much fun! What a wonderful place to celebrate your anniversary and what a magnificent table. The glasses are great! Your napkin and napkin ring really added the finishing touch.

    - The Tablescaper

  27. This is certainly a tablescape we haven't seen before! So fun! Nice that you took the family as well!

    Happy Anniversary!


  28. Where is this? How much fun, and you took it over the top with your penchant for creativity and delight. Thanks for inviting us to the party and Happy Anniversary! Cherry Kay

  29. Yo-ho-ho! Happy Anniversary to you and your pirate hubby! Love your sense of fun and booty for the table! What an adorable mermaid you found too! Since you're such a fun loving wench I bet you already know that you can turn on pirate speak on FB just for kicks and giggles :)

  30. I remember Pirate's Cove from before, Jacqueline. Your family has the best time. Thanks for sharing your family's adventure and Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetie.

  31. Hi Jacqueline, Here's the link for pirate speak on your FB page, fun to get your notifications that way :)


  32. What an awesome time your family must have had being pirates for the day...Happy Anniversary and many more!

  33. Congratulations on your anniversary! Looks like you had a fabulous time!

  34. Happy Anniversary! Fabulous celebration!

  35. Looks like a great adventure matey!! I love all the decorations, especially the skull goblets. The night shot is so pretty. Happy Anniversary.

  36. What a fun post! Happy 34th Anniversary ad many many more adventures ahead!

  37. What an amazing anniversary adventure! You look absolutely darling as a pirate, and I know your family had the BEST time together! My grandchildren would LOVE that place!

  38. How much fun is this! You do have a wonderful way of making things special, and I'm sure everyone enjoyed your anniversary.

  39. What a fun day, I love the pictures!

  40. How nice of you to take your whole family on your anniversary celebration trip! But, then, if the two of you didn't 'hitch up' then there wouldn't be a family to help celebrate :)

    What a fun place! Love the pictures of you, hubby and the mermaid is priceless :)

  41. You are sooooooo talented! I am always amazed at your creativity and sense of adventure. Your photos are wonderful. You and your hubby are great looking pirates!
    Happy 34th Anniversary


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