Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On Angels' Wings

There is less than a week left and I know we are all
as busy as can be, but we have also all been affected
by the tragedy of the loss of so many sweet innocent
angels lives.

I was pondering what to do for my table, knowing I
wanted to do one in gold as that is our traditional
Christmas Eve theme when an angel, my daughter in law,
Audra showed up at my door with these beautiful
angel wings - a set of six.

This was the card she had attached and she said she knew I 
could do something with these beautiful wings.

It was right then that I knew I wanted to do an 
Angel Table
honoring all of the sweet angelic children, teachers
and principal who returned to God in the blink of an eye.

This angel crowned the top of my parent's tree as I was growing up.

She is a little thing, not even much taller than my goblet,
but in my childhood eyes she was huge and wonderful.

When both of my parents were gone and we were
cleaning out the house, she got tossed in the giveaway pile.

She didn't seem as magnificent as she did when we were
little.  I couldn't let her go.  I am so glad I kept her.  She
always has a place of honor at Christmas in my kitchen.

I adore her real feathered dress and real feather wings and
her yellow yarn  hair and painted delicate features.

She is surrounded by gold on our Angels' Wings table tonight.

Here are my chairs like the inspiration picture.

The wings were made to be worn and had elastic
on them, but Audra suggested punching holes through
the back, so that is what I did and tied them on
with a ribbon.  I moved these wooden chairs in 
from the kitchen to match the inspiration picture better.

Did you notice when you look at the inspiration photo
that they had similar trees on their table.  I noticed
that and got them out of the kitchen where they were
gracing the baking cabinet.

I found these beautiful napkins that match the tablecloth
quite well.  They are both painted with gold.

This is the only real china I own.  I didn't get any when we got married
and I bought these when I was pregnant with baby number 5.  I couldn't
get out of bed the last two months and so I never spent any money.
As the money built up in the account, I decided I wanted to 
buy some china from Spiegel Catalog.

I bought matching gold goblets at the same time from Spiegel.
They are the large, heavy ones in the
background and later found these similar ones
at Home Goods.

In my gold vignette in the kitchen I also have these beautiful
gold wings that were given to me as a present years ago.

Here you can see a close-up of the painted napkin.  
I found these at Home Goods

and they went so well with this much more pricey tablecloth
that I had purchased several years ago at a furniture
store - Four Chairs.

The plates top my gold beaded placemats that I have had
for years and years and some of my favorite wooden chargers.

Since I know Mrs. Claus personally, I was a little naughty and
brought out her gift to me this year, this wonderful gold flatware
that I  she got on sale from 
(Shhh!!!  Don't tell the kids, I don't ever let them use their gifts early.)

But really, they go so well with the table, don't you think?

You know me, I like to hang baubles from the
chandeliers, so here is a shot looking down through
the baubles on the chandelier in the dining room.

There is nothing as pure as gold as a little child and we all
have little ones that I am sure we imagined in our
heads and hearts, leaving that morning with a kiss
and a hug and never returning.

I am so grateful for my knowledge of the true
meaning of Christmas.  
While our hearts break, we can have peace in that knowledge.
I testify that Christ came
to earth and He atoned for our sins and the sins of others.
He felt our pains
and our sorrows and He can heal all things with His
love.  I am thankful for that knowledge and that He
promised the Gift of the Holy Ghost who can comfort
us.  May we all pray for those who have lost, that
they may feel that comfort  

and be lifted as if On Angels' Wings.

I will be posting this with


  1. Jacqueline ~ we are all struggling to understand this senseless act of cruelty and violence. Your post truly captures love and light and brings a little bit of comfort, at least to me. Your table is just magnificent. It's so beautifully done. I'm wondering where your daughter-in-law found those wings? I have been looking for some here in Salt Lake and haven't found any! And by the way, what a sweetheart for bringing them to you! Have a truly blessed Christmas! xo

  2. Your table is gorgeous, Jacqueline! Pure elegance. The angel wings are a wonderful way to gently remind us of those precious lives lost last week. And how sweet that you saved the angel topper! We have always had an angel on top of our tree....hubby bought it and at first I didn't really like it, but I could never part with it now knowing all the wonderful Christmas's in the past that she has looked down upon.

    Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!


  3. All I have to write is "Gorgeous"!!! Wow!

  4. What a blessed reminder of our savior and His reason for being. Your table is gorgeous. D-I-L = angel for sure!!! Love those wings. She knows you well. The china is lovely and the table is mind blowing!! I love the cloth and the napkins too. Wow. OOOh, naughty naughty using your gifts early. However, I couldn't wrap the boots I bought so they are sitting under the tree sans packaging!! No room for me to talk. I wish you the merriest of Christmases and many many blessings for this season and next year. xo marlis

  5. Beautiful.
    And the reason for the season even more so.

  6. I had admired these wings before..
    I have always loved angel wings:(

    Remember the movie Michael?
    You have the perfect home for these.
    What a nice gesture on your daughter-in-laws part:)

    She knows you well..
    So sweet I find..

    Everything is purely out of a magazine..but I feel the love:) a spread..
    I can feel the comfort..and joy that will reign at your home.Thank you for sharing..

    Enjoy every moment Jacqueline.

  7. Beautiful post, beautiful table, perfect in every way, and the sentiment behind it, is just so touching. Made me teary again. xo (I am jealous that you know Mrs. Claus personally!)

  8. What a beautiful, angelic table, Jacqueline. It's a lovely tribute to all the dear angels who have departed to the heavenly kingdom. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Claus!!

  9. Your table is lovely Jacqueline; all gold and sparkly. The angel wings on the back of the chair are a nice tribute those lost during the tragedy. Have you seen the poem 'God's Angels' that anon wrote about it?

  10. Jacqueline, what a stunning table, with so much sentiment and beauty! You have so wonderfully captured the essence of those little angels who were taken to Heaven last week. I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!

  11. This is a wonderful tribute to the memory of those angels - big and small - who recently lost their lives in such a senseless and evil way. Your daughter-in-law was right on time with that wing delivery! (Wait a minute...that sounded like a Pizza Hut hot wings commercial!) Seriously, though, those are fabulous wings that I know you can use over and over again. You did an outstanding job with this table! I love the stemware and how it works so well with your fabulous china and your early Christmas present. (Don't worry...we won't tell!) The trees DO resemble those in the photo!!! How cool! I'm so glad you thought to keep that little angel from your childhood. Those things mean so much more to us as we "mature." Of COURSE you had to hang some baubles from the chandelier! That's what chandeliers are for!!! :-) Gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Wonderful post!

  12. Hi Jacqueline, We are all struggling to understand the horrific event. Many parties and activities have been cancelled or changed here, and I think it will be a long time before we go through a day without feeling the sadness and pain. People stop and cry, and everyone seems to know someone affected. You table is gorgeous. Absolutely wonderful in every way, including your text. I, too, used the white chargers today! They are so versatile. Merry Christmas to your beautiful and loving family. Linda

  13. Very Special! You have taken an idea and flown on the wings of the beautiful angel wings. The tablescape is gorgeous with gold and white but the sweetess of all is your childhood angel! I am glad you are speaking about the tragedy for these families are in our thoughts and prayers! If it had not been for the courage of these teachers more lives would have been lost. Have a beautiful Christmas with your family!


  14. What a beautiful post, beautiful tribute, and beautiful table. Your china, crystal and flatware are exquisite.

  15. What a delightful table and an inspiring post, Jacqueline! I love how you include the stories behind your tables, explaining the history of various items you've included. The end result is ethereally beautiful!

  16. Your table and the sentiment behind it is beautiful. Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year.

  17. The angel wings are AWESOME! What a fabulous fun thing to have to go with your beautiful table, and tribute to all the angels we have lost...

  18. What a wonderful table. I love all the gold and white and your china and the new gold flatware. I always did love the angel on the tree -- she is so sweet -- and she did seem bigger when we were children. Now THAT is a well-suited gift that Audra brought to you! Love them on the back of the chairs. I too know that OUR Saviour can heal all our wounds, and that he is there for us. Hopefully, we will see you on Sunday. There is snow in the forecast... Beautiful job. Joni

  19. the angel wings are just precious, thank you for sharing today! anne

  20. Amen. I love your sentiment and your beautiful table. So very appropriate.

  21. What a beautiful elegant. Thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Jacqueline.

  22. Jacqueline,
    Your decorating is absolutely beautiful. I think it is so important for us to remember and honor these precious angels who are now in our heavenly fathers arms. By the way I have been looking for some angel wings like those. Do you happen to know where your DIL got them? Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  23. Your table and the sentiment behind it are lovely. May the wings of angels support those who lost loved ones in Sandy Hook.

  24. This is amazing!!! I love all of the GOLD. It's wonderful - the chine, the glassware. It's spectacular.

    - The Tablescaper

  25. Beautiful table but, most of all a touching & much needed sweetness in a sea of tears. You are so right in all you said. But, still it is so hard to imagine what those families are going through. GOD BLESS! And Merry Christmas!

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  27. Amazing - my Christmas table appears so humble and slap dash compared to yours. However, your angel wings are a poignant reminder that it is the people around our table that really give our Christmas joy.
    À joyeux Noël.

  28. So stunning..the sentiment, the wings, the gold, I'm speechless! This is my favorite table of yours. The angel wings on the chairs are inspired~ what a perfect and timely gift from your DIL! I adore your family's angel tree topper~ so dear! I know you're glad she was saved from the GW pile. Wishing you and your family all the Joy of the Season!

  29. Oh Jacqueline, I love, love, love the wings and your beautiful table! I almost ordered them after I saw them in Country Living Magazine. Did you find your wings at U.S. Toy...the place C.L mentioned and did you go with the "adult" size or the children's size like they used in Country Living? Such a beautiful table! I love it!

  30. Jacqueline, I'm so excited...just ordered them in the child size. I'm thinking they will be cute for a Valentine's table. :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  31. Jacqueline,
    Thank you so much......for your post....I love your Golden Angel table....and I LOVE YOUR HEART OF GOLD! Thank you for your fills my heart with comfort and sweet love from the Lord, and for the Lord and his children. The loss of a child is truly my extended family there have been four angels return to Heaven, in my generation alone, and many more in the generation before. It is so wonderful to know that they are held in His arms and feel His peace and that we can be held in His peace as we reach to Him for that comfort that comes from none else.
    What a beautiful reminder of this in your home at your dinner table....Thank you....
    Hugs to your heart,

  32. Such a beautiful and eloquent tribute in words and table setting. Thanks for sharing your precious testimony, Jacqueline:)

  33. Your table is beautiful. I love your story about the fine china. That must have been tough having to do bed rest like that, especially if this was number 5....which means you had 4 others to take care of! I miss those big old Spiegal catalogs! I loved looking through them! Your napkins and tablecloth are beautiful! Don't you love the flatware at Horchow! I like what Mrs. Claus picked out for you! I agree they go with the table so well they really did need to be there!! :-)
    I love your On Angels Wings tribute- we all need something beautiful to focus on after all this tragedy.
    Have a Merry Christmas,

  34. For those who asked, I asked my DIL and she got them at Zurchers. I am sure they are the child size. I don't know if Zurchers is a national chain, but it is a party store with some costumes.

  35. That is absolutely gorgeous! The gold and white so elegant. The wings are precious, like those babies lost last week.
    May the peace of Christ heal their hearts, we must pray for them always.
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish, and have a very Merry Christmas, J!

  36. So much glamor yet with such a sense of fun. As with all that you do, I am impressed. I have been so close to tears all week so your image of angel wings touches my heart.

  37. A beautiful tablescape, and of course your sentiment. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and and blessings to you and your family in the coming New Year.


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