Monday, December 24, 2012

Mom, Pretend There's Room

This year as one of my special Christmas gifts
to my children, we typed up their journals that
I had written as they were growing up.  
My youngest is 18.  My first daugher-in-law had
been asking for my oldest son's since they were
married almost seven years ago and so I had
planned to do this, but hadn't gotten around to it.

As my Christmas message this year, I would like to
share something I had written in his journal.

From December 1987

"Tonight we had a family home evening and had read 
stories from the Old Testament.  As we were getting ready
to say the closing prayer Tyson ( who was 3years and 8 months old)
said he wanted to have "the Mary and Joseph story".  So my husband
said, "We'll act it out."  So my husband got down on his knees to
be the donkey and my oldest daughter who was just shy of 6 years
old pulled her shirt out to be fat and got on his back.  Tyson, the three
year old lead the donkey over to me (the inn keeper.)

 Of course there was no room
in the inn.

After the third time he said,
  'Mom, pretend there's room.' "

(Images from the movie The Nativity Story - Google Images)

I read that and wept.  I remember being moved to tears that
night as he in his child-like innocence knew that someone
 needed to make room for Mary and Joseph.
May we be that someone!

(This photo was taken a few years later when Tyson,
still as Joseph on the right was now ten.)

The Rest of Our Nativity Story

Mary now has four children, two girls and two boys.
Joseph now has 3 children, two girls and a boy.
The Wise Man now has one girl.
The Angel has graduated from culinary art school.
The babe has gone off to his first year of college.

May we all make room in our
hearts for our Savior and for all of His children that love
and caring and service might be the hallmarks of our
lives here on earth.

We wish you a very 
Merry Christmas!


  1. What a beautiful post and a wonderful picture of what it's really all about! Merry Christmas!

  2. Such a beautiful post Jacqueline and a great reminder of the real reason for the season. Have a very Merry Christmas! xo

  3. I'm teary Jacqueline, that was so sweet. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas-enjoy:@)

  4. Merry merry Xmas from me ...enjoy these days.....thanks for your you


  5. This is beautiful, Jacqueline! Just beautiful. So happy you shared this story with us. Merry Christmas, darling.

  6. Jacqueline, this is a sweet memory, and the photo of you and the children is so precious. What a dear family!
    Wishing you all good things and a holiday that is merry and bright. You are a treasured friend.........Sarah

  7. May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you throughout 2013.

  8. What a sweet post Jacqueline. Our children are certainly our treasures. Merry Christmas.

  9. Beautiful....I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  10. In that moment the seed of Love and Faith bloomed showing how your teachings and example had raised this child so well.
    Be Blessed! Make room for so much more of this kind of blessings.

  11. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story and message! Just beautiful!

  12. Oh...I am crying...children are so sweet and innocent and he has a soft heart as an adult, as well, I'd bet. You are an awesome Mom. Thanks for this post...
    Merry 2013 to you Sister!

  13. I loved this post. It is so sweet to see Ty Ty's love and tenderness for the things you were teaching him. I cherish his journal and feel so grateful Tyson has such a wonderful mother. It is so touching to see the way you treated him, and I know it really touches his heart as your grown boy. We Love you, love you.

  14. I loved this post. It is so sweet to see Ty Ty's tenderness about the things you were teaching him. I love reading his journal and it touches me how tender you were with him, and I know it touches Ty now as a your grown boy. We love you so much.


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