Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Woodland Elf Table

This Woodland Elf Tablescape originates
from my former Christmas tree decor and the grapevine wreaths
that I mentioned I made in my last post.

I decided to change my tree which I have had for at least
ten years and as I stripped off the elves, the florals
and the mossy limbs, I just couldn't dispose of
them so I bagged them up and now I am 
featuring them on this table.

I just love using the new grapevine wreaths as a base for 
a layering of purple and green plates.  The tree was decorated
in jewel tones.

and it was filled with elves, frogs, birds, humming birds and
all kinds of nature inspired decor.

You know how we love elves and fairies at
Purple Chocolat Home and so the 
pre-decorated tree was perfect for us.
It brought many years of pleasure, but my
niece informed me that it was time for it to go - 
that it was looking a bit shabby!

I needed to wear gloves to undecorate the tree.  We would
always just put it away decorated which saved so much
time, but with all of the years of handling, I had to agree,
it was looking tired.

There were lots of these acorn elves so I put one
on each placesetting.

The tree was filled with beautiful florals.  I am sure
that the florals will be reused a lot.  These little guys
that I used for napkin rings were wired all over the tree.
A quick wrap around the napkin and they make a perfect
napkin ring.

I just love these little guys.  There is no way I could 
give them away.

I used my sage green flatware again. 

 It is amazing how often I use them for tables.

The tree was filled with these mossy branches and moss balls. Just
past the gnarled moss branches you can see my beautiful 
amethyst goblets.

This is the first time I have used these beautiful glasses.
My sister Jean gave me these.  They are 
Amethyst Kings Crown Thumbprint goblets.

For Christmas Eve my aunt would always have us over and the
adult table got the pleasure of drinking out of her Ruby Kings Crown
Thumbprint glasses.  Of course none of us girls inherited them so I found some
on ebay and bought some for Jean and Joni. (Aunt Ionia was a single lady
her whole life.)  Jean returned the
favor by finding these gorgeous amethyst ones and giving them
to me!  

The color is so light and delicate.  I just adore them.

These guys are really rustic - a little more rustic than most of
my decor, but they are really fun.

This one is unusual as his face is cloth.  I love his velvet frog.
There were at least 30 woodland elves on the tree.

I always love to hang things from my chandeliers for Christmas
so this one has elves in purples and burgundies with
hanging ornaments.

It is such an easy way to decorate and dress up the house.

Earthy - yet elegant!

Hope you enjoyed this visit to Purple Chocolat Home and 
see how I recycled my tree decor and used my grapevine wreaths.  I 
am sure to use them over and over again.

I will be showing you my newly decorated tree next week.

I will be posting this with

Goblets - Gift
Napkins - Home Goods
Plates - Home Goods
Flatware - Tuesday Morning
Tree ornaments and elves - Modern Display
Wreaths - Homemade
Placemats - Wal Mart
Purple glass plates - Spiegel Catalog (years ago)


  1. Your setting is very pretty Jacqueline-love the chargers! I see that purple is a very popular color for Christmas decorations this year at the stores-enjoy:@)

  2. Wow! I've been enjoying following you for a long time now but I don't remember seeing your Christmas tree.Now I want to go back and see if I can find it.We have a lot in common, I can tell.That table setting is My kind of thing-I love it.Great job-Denise

  3. Magical! Jacqueline, I can see the sparkle in the eyes of those who dine at this woodland table. Love the colors of this ones. Your grapevine chargers are perfect......Sarah

  4. I'm nearly speechless! This is beautiful & adorable. I love this table! It's perfect!

  5. Jacqueline, this is so beautiful! I love how you incorporated items that you love into something so spectacular! I always look forward to seeing your Christmas decor and tablesettings!

  6. Your Woodland elf table is so whimsical! Love the purple and green! What a fresh look.

  7. J...this is beautiful & whimsical. What else could anyone want. Just perfect, my lady. xx's

  8. I love this wonderfully whimsical table! Absolutely gorgeous!

  9. What a fun table! I love the idea of storing the tree decorated. That would save me a LOT of time!

  10. This table is unique and magical. Like Denise, I don't remember the tree with all these wonderful decoration and I would love to see it. Dianne

  11. Wow! What beautiful tablescape, Jacqueline. It looks very enchanting and magical....Christine

  12. So much Fun, Jacqueline!
    I love elves, I have had a plan for some elves in my mind for day I might actually get it done..and I will share a picture with you.
    I love the tablescape you have done with them, it is so whimsical and fun.
    What a lot of elves you will get to play with now since they will no longer be living on the tree! You will have a blast with your grandkids on St. Patrick's Day!
    Hearts to you,

  13. I love purple and green together, and this table is beautiful and with all the fairies, quite magical. xo

  14. Jacqueline.. this table is so magically fabulous! It must have been a most gorgeous tree with all those elements. I love how you used them on the table. Wow to the thumbprint glasses.. so beautiful. I love this table.. xo marlis

  15. I, for one, am SUPER happy you didn't give all of the tree decor away! It's all so great in its second life!!! I made the mistake of giving things away, and I'll never do it again! Just think...this table could not have come to life like this without them! You were already acquainted with each piece like family, so it was instinctive as to how to place them for their encore. If I had to pick a favorite, I would say it's the cloth face dude. I have an uncle whose facial skin kinda looks like that! :-) Your hand-fashioned wreaths are perfect, and your stemware is right on the money, too!!!!!! A+!!!!!

  16. I love that your recycled the tree decorations and used them in a new way. This makes a lovely table! The colors and the little elves are just magical!
    Fun table.

    hugs, Linda

  17. Oh, this table is pure magic with those little elves and favorite table to date. I didn't know Kings Crown came in amethyst, very pretty.

  18. How clever of you to reuse and recycle your old tree trimmings for a table!!! I just love it. I never knew someone who had a pre deorated tree!!!! And I can't imagine how you stored it without taking it all apart! I love the amethyist goblets, just gorgeous!!! XO, pinky

  19. I adore your woodland table! So natural and elegant with those beautiful elf fairies! This is a gorgeous tablescape and one of my favorites of the season!
    Miss Bloomers

  20. HI!!!
    I would have loved to see that Elves tree....WHAT Amazing things!!Your table is beautiful...loved every bit of it. What great glass pieces you own..the light purple with the sage green is stunning. MY Mom's house is purple and sage green...I love her welcoming home...and she would go nuts over this Post!!!|

  21. It's enchanting. What a great way to keep the elves as part of your Christmas decor. No reason to let things go while you're still loving them!

  22. Truly magical, I love the grapevine chargers with the purple plates! The moss green & purple palette is wonderful, so many lovely touches everywhere. I have been wondering about what I want to do to my holiday table this year and you have inspired me! Thanks for sharing your incredible creation!

  23. Truly magical, I love the grapevine chargers with the purple plates! The moss green & purple palette is wonderful, so many lovely touches everywhere. I have been wondering about what I want to do to my holiday table this year and you have inspired me! Thanks for sharing your incredible creation!

  24. I would have held on to the elves too and you've put them to work making your tablescape look magical.
    I too hang things from the chandeliers, butterflies and snowflakes.
    The grapevine wreaths look fantastic as part of your layering and I like the sage green cutlery.

  25. Very pretty, and I love this color palette for Christmas.

  26. I love, love, LOVE this table! It is so whimsical and I love the color palette! Just like Jenna, you have inspired me to try something with my table too! Thank you for sharing!

    Miss Mindy

  27. What a magical table with so much to admire, Jacqueline! I love how you've re-used and re-purposed. What fun to be a guest at your table!!

  28. Bonsoir Jacqueline
    I just say Whouahhhh
    I love your table and the colors
    I love the originality of your décor
    Sublime ma Belle!
    Have nice time with your wonderful family

  29. Hi Jacqueline,
    oh whow - your table is really exquisite. I love the elves and gnoms and they are perfect with the mossy twigs and flowers. Really a magical looking. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your sweet comment on my Tartan Tea post.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  30. Oh what fun! You have outdone yourself with this table, and I love the purple. Everything here would work great in my year, may I borrow?

  31. Jacqueline~ I believe in fairies so I adore your table! How delightful that your elves are repurposed and have a new home at the table! Your grapevine chargers are perfect for all their twiggy and mossy details! I adore your Amethyst Thumbprint goblets too! Looking forward to seeing your new tree :)

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  33. Such a beautiful and whimsical table! Your little elves/gnomes are adorable.

  34. Adorable table! What a great idea to use the fairies. I am hoping this publishes, I have tried a few times with no luck!

  35. What an incredible table Jackie! Everything is gorgeous and I recognize some of those elves I think! I really like how you list the sources for most of your pieces at the end of each post. Really great idea!


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