Monday, June 4, 2012

Congratulations Graduate!

My baby has graduated! 
 It is hard to believe that
our youngest of five is a high school graduate and
will be leaving us for college in the fall.

This one is just too funny with Mom and Dad giving him
a kiss on the cheek.  I just love the look on his face!!

Graduation was unusual as it was at 7:00 pm so that by the time
we got out and could take pictures it was dark.
The surprise of the evening was that he was in charge of
the senior class video and his name was on the program
and announced during the evening for his creative work
on that.  The video was great.

We made him a money lei with a few food gift certificates
thrown in.  He and his dad are leaving for a trip to
Israel and Jordan
for his senior trip in a couple of days.  
It will be a wonderful experience for them. 

Since he graduated so late, we took him out to dinner for
sushi that night and had a combined dinner with his cousin for
him the next night.  I was asked to bring a fruit platter so I made
one similar to the one my graduate from culinary arts school
made a little while ago.  She was supposed to help but didn't
get off work until too late.  I found the cute little candy diplomas
and graduation caps at a local party store - Zurchers.

So with several graduations and a new grandbaby and
travel  two building projects and another grandbaby due 
three weeks from today
things have been hopping at Purple Chocolat Home.

I am so glad you came to visit today.  I have been so busy
that I totally missed celebrating my two year anniversary of
blogging on May 20th.
  I have loved it and everyone has been so supportive!

Thank you!!!


  1. It's hard to believe Chase is that old?!? Where did the time go? Give him my congrats!

  2. Jackie, you outdo yourself. Congratulations on your son's graduation. So exciting. You are BUSY but happy! I just looked through your Paris post again too. It is great. I share your love of Paris. I wanted to do a post and join Anita for her party but we are taking a family trip so I will just enjoy all the posts without joining in. Love your new slide show at the top of your blog. So impressive.

  3. What a happy time of life Jacqueline. Congratulations on getting your big five through high school. Before you know it your nest will be empty...well sort of. With my five I see someone almost daily! Glad your celebration was terrific.

  4. Congratulations to your son...I do love the look on his face with the two of you giving him a kiss..

    Lots going on at your house...have fun, and enjoy it all...

  5. Geez, you do have ALOT going on! Congrats to your son. It is so hard to see them grow up. Cute pic, with you 2 kissing him:) XO, Pinky

  6. Congratulatons !!...nice pictures !! hahaahaha!!...enjoy a hapy

  7. Congrats to your son Jacqueline! Love the cute money lei! Sounds like very exciting times for you indeed-enjoy:@)

  8. Yes, you have been busy, best wishes to your son!

  9. Congratulations to your son! You must be so proud.

    It's a busy time of year, that's for sure.

  10. Precious memories:) Every one a milestone..Enjoy each happy event~

  11. Congratulations on ALL fronts!!! My goodness, but you have been a busy girl! That's good...keeps you out of trouble! ;-) Enjoy these wonderful times in your family history. These are the times that make getting old worth the trip!

  12. Congrats to your handsome son! Love the money lei, what a neat idea!

    Hope your son and husband have a wonderful and safe trip! :)

  13. Congratulations to all! I'm sure he's excited and looking forward to a new future. Lots of happy occasions to celebrate in your family ~ :-) The fruit platter looks gorgeous!


  14. Congratulations to all! I'm sure he's excited and looking forward to a new future. Lots of happy occasions to celebrate in your family ~ :-) The fruit platter looks gorgeous!


  15. Congratulations on your son's graduation!!! How proud you must be! Today was my son's last day of preschool and I cried! Since I cried on the first day it seemed appropriate to cry on the last day : ) Enjoy this exciting time with him and your family!

    Danielle xo

  16. Congrats on your son's graduation! His expression (in the kissing photo) is priceless! Happy blog anniversary too! So glad that you're a bloggy buddy:)

  17. Congratulations to your graduate! I love the shot of you and your husband kissing him :) That look!

  18. Congratulations to the graduate.


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