Friday, June 8, 2012

Come Fly With Me - A Decadent Breakfast in Paris

So glad you could make it with me to Paris

 Airplanes have made the world so much smaller and
now the internet can bring the world straight into your home.
Today we are taking the direct flight to Paris 
from Salt Lake City so you
will get there relaxed and refreshed and ready to hit
the streets.
Of course traveling anywhere with me wouldn't be much without the food.

You can eat anywhere in Paris and have wonderful food.

(Video by

Paris is known as the City of Lights
and the Eiffel tower sparkles on the hour at night to welcome you
so depending on when your flight comes in, you might get to see
this welcome.

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world from 
the architecture 
to the art to the people, but also
the food and especially their pastries,
so since we are hungry from our long flight,
and we arrive at 10:30 am,
we will start by sampling a few goodies 
(All photos on this post with the exception of the
video were taken last year on our trip to Paris.)

From pastries to chocolates -

Yes, this breakfast is going to be very
but you can pace yourself!

I suggest bringing some
back to the hotel
in case you get a craving later.

But don't stress,
we have all week to indulge.

AND don't worry, we won't gain weight because we are going
to walk everywhere this week!

And I mean everywhere - it is the only way to see Paris.

So indulge yourself!

You deserve it.

And who knows when we will get back!

So now that we have had our breakfast, rest for a little
and we will continue our trip to Paris throughout the
week by

visiting Anita's blog
for more delightful experiences
in Paris all week as we celebrate the beauties of 
The City of Lights.


  1. i'm pacing myself! i'm pacing myself!

    holy waffles and crepes. yummy post!


  2. I love your pastries and love your breakfast in PAris!

    I have come over from Anitas!

    Have a great weekend, Elizabeth

  3. I think I have just put on weight by merely reading your amazing blog!!! Oh WOW!!!! It is stunning. The photos are awesome and I was disappointed when it ended! Lovely blog and thrilled to have found you!!
    Thanks very much for reading about my fun and frolics in Paris, ah, I do miss it!

  4. OMG, I am actually drooling!!!
    Spactacular - your's is the Paris I really want to visit. I will have to ask for one of those seat belt extensions for on the way back :-)
    Thanks for visiting me.

  5. It is great to met you here in Paris ....enjoy your stay...what a great party !!!! love

  6. I need to go to Paris; sweets like I've never seen before.
    Good thing you walk everywhere, after eating some of those treats you'd need it. I think I could eat one of those BIG waffles.
    Thanks for sharing all these goodies.

  7. Oh, Jacqueline - this is just too good for words - LOVED this breakfast - sweet trip to Paris - beautiful, beautiful city! I hope you have a blessed weekend,

  8. THAT THICK DENSE CHOCOLATE THING....what in the world....QUE DIABLE EST-CE???? :)

    The only saving grace IS the walking aspect because when I was in Paris, I ATE ALL I WANTED AND EVERYTHING I WANTED and you know what? I lost weight...coming back HERE, I got back to normal. WHY? I can't walk to work in Minneapolis!!

    Jacqueline, it was one year ago that we met through this party. THANK YOU MY DEAR for participating!!! LOVE TO YOU and this was decadence par excellence!! Anita

  9. Everything is so decadent. I love your pictures that bring back such special memories for me of a wonderful pear tart on Rue Cler, chocolates from the Marais and macaroons from Ladureé. I loved all your Paris posts last year. Don't we wish we were back there again? Glad you joined the party. I am loving it.

  10. oh goodness... that chocolate!!!LOL.

  11. Just reading this post equals 15,000 calories. I LOVE dessert! Thanks for taking us along. Cherry Kay

  12. Jacqueline I adore you adding such luscious goodies to our experience in Paris with fun!!

    Anita's Parisian Party
    Art by Karena

  13. Chocolate for Breakfast....nothing could be better...except eating it in Paris....My favorite place in the whole world!

  14. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't been to Paris! I probably wouldn't be able to fit into any of my clothes on the way home!

  15. Hi Jacqueline,

    Oh MY! I came by at just the right (or wrong) time, because I AM STARVING! And yes, it's late here...almost midnight, but STILL, I'm hungry!

    You must have had an amazing trip...look at all of that FOOD! Thanks so much for sharing...and for visiting me and my little waiter earlier today.


  16. BON JOUR!!!
    Was Paris just the Most exciting Place to visit ever???I nearly cried everyday....could not believe I was really there......I agree with you on the food...the Pastries were a DELIGHT...the Chocolate...wish I could say it the Way they say it...makes it seem even more delightful!!!!I had dessert everyday!!!And because I walked everywhere for 8 days...I came home a few pounds lighter!!!
    So enjoyed this PARIS party and getting to know you better is a BONUS!!!

  17. pace schmace, dig in!
    bliss farm antiques

  18. What a delicious and decadent start to my day! I MUST find chocolate immediately to accompany my Café au lait this morning :)

  19. what a treat! thank you so much for this delicious post and for sharing all these delectable photographs, the chocolates and patries look sublime and i love your shot of the eifel tower, all lit-up in splendour.
    your blog is making me quite peckish, there is so much to tempt me here.
    so lovely meeting you today, hope you have a wonderful weekend xx

  20. Oh dearest, that dessert, why am I not surprised that it came from VERSAILLES! The opulence of Her Majesty lives ON!!!!!! It had to be so good, non?

    HAVE FUN AT THE PARTY and you are sooooo perfect for this link party my dear. Do join us again next year!!! Anita

  21. Oh, this is heaven to me since I believe the best things in life contain chocolate :) How wonderful of Anita to connect us all throughout this irresistible City of Light

  22. I love your food photos! And since I have not had breakfast yet, my tummy is rumbling while visiting your delightful blog....

    ~ Violet

  23. Even if I can't eat it all, just looking at all the foodstuffs in Paris is enough for me. Hope your weather is better than when I was there a few weeks ago. Enjoy!

  24. Again, I had to take another virtual bite out of that Versailles chocolate treat!!! WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD!!!

    Have a magnificent day my dear! Anita

  25. Yum! It was a delight to spend time with you in Paris.I'm glad you made the trip.We can always use your wonderful taste in foods.Delish!

  26. Delicious! I ate so much in Paris too.. I dieted before and after our trip. The food is amazing!
    It's so nice to meet other bloggers with the same passion for Paris.
    xoxo, B

  27. That is one of the prettiest pictures of the Eifell Tower that I've seen yet - all lit up! The desserts on here look so yummy. When my girls traveled to Paris, they said that the food was so delicious. You have such a lovely blog, and it's nice to meet new friends.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  28. You made me laugh when you said don't mind the calories. I always walk so much in Paris I lose weight! It seems impossible but I swear it's something in the air. My favorite Paris tradition is to unpack, go get foie gras, bread and wine and have a picnic on the bed of my hotel. It gets me in the mood. Then a nap and I'm off for the day.

    That said, no one does packaging like the French (ok, the Japanese do a great job too-- just different). You show it off beautifully! Thanks to Anita for getting us all together in Paris.

  29. Whoa! I would have a serious tummy ache but I would certainly be happy! What an amazing selection of goodies.

  30. The chocolates are incredible...I do not think I could pace myself around them! I enjoyed your post and hope you will stop by mine!!

  31. Your photos are mouthwatering, Jacqueline. You brought back memories of wonderful meals I've enjoyed in Paris. Wouldn't I love to jump on a direct flight to Paris with you and enjoy a decadent breakfast!!!

  32. Ah mon Dieu, the Paris yummies! Great photos. Thank you for stopping by my blog and hope to be back for more of these recipes!
    Ciao for now,

  33. How perfect! I agree, when in Paris I walk everywhere, eating as I wish, and weight gain is not an issue. Wish I could accomplish the same here. LOL
    Wonderfully delicious post, Jacqueline. ~ Sarah

  34. G'day Jacqueline!
    Oh my goodness...breakfast!??
    "Your very pretty morsels were delicious!!"...says she, who sits in front of a computer screen while feasting on a bowl of porridge! Haha... You see, it is winter here in Australia. I loved your photos! Such amazing baking cleverness in assembling this vast array of yumminess.
    Thanks for sharing.

  35. Deliciously divine! How nice to meet you through Anita's Paris Party ~
    a bientot,

  36. Now that's my kind of breakfast! If it's in Paris, then it's Ok : )

    Danielle xo

  37. So many pretty foods, I vote for the crepes..hahah. Actually I take any of those. Merci, Mary


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