Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chocolate Mousse Royale

I can't believe I have been blogging for two years and
I haven't ever posted our favorite 
luxury chocolate dessert.

This is nothing but fabulous - moist chocolate cake
topped with rich, creamy almond flavored chocolate
mousse and finished with almond flavored whipped
 Decadent and fabulous!

This one was made and decorated for a wedding shower.

I started making this 25 years ago when my friend
Maretta had me help her make several of them
for a Relief Society dinner (our lady's church group).

This recipe takes quite a few steps but each step is
easy as long as you follow the instructions and it
always wows.

Chocolate Mousse Royale

Chocolate Cake
1 1/2 C. flour
1 C. white sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
4 T. cocoa
1/2 tsp. salt
1 C. mayonaise
1 C. water
1 1/2 tsp. rum flavor

In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, soda and salt with a whisk.

In a separate bowl mix the mayonaise, water and rum flavoring.

Stir the two of them together with a whisk until smooth.

Place in a 9 inch springform pan sprayed with baking spray.
Bake at 350 for 70 minutes or until it springs back.  Be
sure not to underbake it or it will sink.

Let it cool completely when it is done.  It will take over an hour
to cool completely.  If it is warm, it will melt the mousse, so take
the time to wait.

Cut off a piece of foil, about 36 inches long.  Fold in half lengthwise
and spray with baking spray.  You are going to use this to create
a collar inside the springform pan so that the mousse layer can be
taller than the pan.  Place it inside the pan, overlapping the ends and
tucking it down between the pan and the cooled cake.

Chocolate Mousse
2 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 T. water
8 eggs, separated
1 1/2 tsp. almond flavor (not artificial)

In a microwave safe bowl place the chocolate chips
and water.  Melt for 1 minute.  Stir, then melt for 30 seconds intervals,
stirring each time until melted.
 Stir until smooth.
(I know this might freak you out that you add water to the
chocolate, but when enough water is added, the chocolate won't
seize and 2 T. to 2 C. is enough water.  This works, trust me.)

Stir in the egg yolks and the almond flavoring 
and then let cool for 10 minutes -
don't skip this step as it will be too hot for the egg whites
and will make them deflate.

The last two minutes of cooling, begin to beat the egg
whites until stiff.  Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the
chocolate to lighten the chocolate.  Then place the remainder
of the egg whites in the chocolate and gently fold them in.  You
want to be very gentle doing this.  If you mix it too much the
mousse will be runny.

Spoon the chocolate mousse on top of the cake with the
foil collar.  Place in the fridge and let set for 5 hours.
(You really can't rush this part or it will not set up.)

Undo the springform pan and remove the cake and mousse.
Gently remove the foil collar.  
Place a small amount of frosting on your cake plate to 
hold the cake in place.  Keeping the springform pan's bottom
under the cake, place it on the frosting to secure it to the
cake plate.  

Whipped Cream Frosting
2 C. heavy whipping cream
1/2 C. powdered sugar
1 1/2 tsp. almond flavor

Whip the cream and as it begins to set up, whip in the 
powdered sugar and the almond flavoring.  Whip it until
it holds it shape.

Frost the sides of the cake and then the top using a 
table knife and finishing with a spoon to create swirls.
Decorate as desired.  I have also decorated this with
chocolate curls, white chocolate trees, white Jordan almonds,
sparkle dust, etc.  Have fun making it beautiful.

Return to the fridge until serving time.

I thought these fun sugar hearts were perfect for a wedding shower.
I bought these last year in Paris, but you could make them with a small
heart shaped mold.

White chocolate curls, silver and white dragees  were added.  The
all white with a touch of silver fit the wedding theme.

I had to take photos at the shower quickly before it was all gone.
Then I had to promise that I would feature it on my blog!

This chocolate delight could become your favorite too.

Posting with


  1. I'm saving this one! We have a friend who is a real chocolate lover and I always try to have something new to serve when he comes to dinner. I can tell that this one will wow him!

  2. That looks like an amazing cake Jacqueline! I bet it's nice and light. Glad you added the progress pics too, that's fun:@)

  3. Wow Jacqueline, this cake says elegant decadence! I'm sure my hubby would like it, and for company, I'd be the most admired hostess.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe and showing the foil step.

  4. Your Chocolate Mousse Royale looks decadent and delicious~ Wow factor indeed! I bet the cake is incredibly moist with the addition of the mayonnaise!

  5. Talk about delicious! That cake looks divine!

  6. Looks like a pastry shop..I have chocolate lovers in my family..I'll make this one day..Thank you.

  7. Looks beautiful on the outside and is a showstopper when sliced into! That chocolate mousse looks heavenly! Time to pin! :)

  8. OOOO, Beautiful cake. I want to try this one. Your talents never cease to amaze me! laurie

  9. OMGoodness, what a fabulous looking cake!! I'll bet the guests at the shower were in awe! Love it!!!

  10. Oh good grief, you are NOT good for my waistline, girl!!!!!LOL! This sounds fabulous. My daughter's wedding cake was chocolate cake, with chocolate mouse filling and fudge icing! EVERYONE said it was the best wedding cake they ever had! Thanks for this recipe. XO, Pinky

  11. I can't tell you how badly I want to eat that right now. :) Oy, I am really missing Utah right now!

  12. This is my favorite dessert that you make...and everything you make is fabulous. Thanks for bringing it to Annie's shower. It was a huge hit. Love you

  13. A woman after my heart.. Oh my, this is fabulous! I am saving this!
    It is almost to pretty to eat, but how could you not! Thank you for sharing this.

  14. Oh my, what a gorgeous cake! Might have to try this one!

  15. Oh, yummy! This would be a favorite around here too. The little sugar hearts are ones i recognize. I brought back several boxes as gifts for friends who enjoy hot tea.

  16. I can't believe you haven't shared this too, but it looks too good for me! I'm trying to think if I could make this low-carb in any way, shape or form....and it is so over-the-top wonderful you! What else are you keeping secret?

  17. This cake looks amazing! Definitely worth the extra steps. I love how you decorated it with the sugar hearts too. I can't wait to try this. Looks so goooood!


  18. Oh my!!! This looks so delicious not to mention beautiful.

  19. This looks absolutely delicious. I am so fond of chocolate mousse in any form, and I love chocolate with almond flavoring.

    Plus, you made it look so beautiful. What a treat.

  20. WOW, what a beautiful cake and looks wonderfully delicious!! :-)


  21. Your ideas and wonderful, but please don't forget the "printable" option for the recipes please!

  22. As I'm making this recipe, I have questions;
    1. For the cake, do you add the baking powder, cocoa & salt with the other dry ingredients? The directions don't include them.
    2. For the mousse, in the direction you say to add 2T. to 2 CUPS water to the melted chocolate. 2 cups seems excessive. What is the correct measurement?
    I will go ahead and make it, adding your answer to the recipe, when I receive it.


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