Thursday, June 28, 2012

And Baby Makes Eight

Another sweet angel has come to join our family.  Doesn't
she look like she has a smile on her face meeting her 
family for the first time?  

Meet Baby Jacquelyn.  Her three year old brother
has been calling her by that name since he found out
she was a girl.  He even argued with his brother
and sister when they liked other names.  
He would say things to mama like, "Did Baby Jacquelyn
sleep well last night?" (while she was still in mama's tummy),
"Is Baby Jacquelyn coming today?", "How's Baby Jacquelyn
doing?", etc.  He pronounces it in two syllables like

I love my real name of Jacqueline
but have almost always
been called Jackie (which I don't love so much) so when
I started blogging I chose to go by my real name of 
Jacqueline.  Joni (my sister at Red Couch Recipes)
thought that was so funny that I would choose to
go by my real name.  I often tell friends I would
prefer to have them call me by Jacqueline.  Now
we have a real Jacquelyn and I hope no one ever
calls her Jackie.

Of course Grandma LOVES her name
and I also like the slight change in spelling

This is grandbaby number eight.  We feel so blessed.

This is the dress she came home in and her big
"Sissy" is so happy to finally have a sister.
We are all so grateful she is here safe and sound.

I will be sharing these girly shots on


  1. You lucky grandma! She is a beautiful little angel, and I'm sure she will be treasured by her sister and brother!

  2. So excited for the family!!! She is gorgeous, and love the name!

  3. All great pics! So glad to hear everyone is doing well-enjoy:@)

  4. What a tiny little beauty! Congratulations to all of you. She has an equally beautiful grandma and name to admire and love through out her life here on earth. I'm so happy for you.

  5. What a must be a proud her with whole your heart

  6. She is precious, congratulations and blessings!

  7. Sh'es soo cute..(I miss those babies!) How sweet her name sounds just like yours also:) Love her flora hat..Little diva. Mommy and nana look so great too.

  8. Congratulations to all the family! She is precious and you and your daughter are, too!

  9. They couldn't have chosen a prettier name!!! She is SO sweet! I DO think she is smiling! You are blessed to ahve all those grands. I remember asking, when I first started following you if you preferred Jacqueline or jackie:):) XO, Pinky

  10. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  11. What an honor, to have a grandchild named for you! She is absolutely darling, and I know your heart is full of the blessings she brings to your family.

  12. Congratulations! She's perfect in every way. We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of Beatrice Emmaline in September. Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Cherry Kay

  13. Congratulations on your little bundle of love! She is beautiful.

  14. I ALWAYS call you Jacqueline, Jacqueline!!! Unless someone specifically invites me to refer to them by a nickname, I go with the proper name. As I recall, Elizabeth Taylor hated being referred to as "Liz" and would call people out on it! I never had a nickname. One of my friends tried shortening my name to Al, but it just didn't go over very well. Hallelujah!!! Congratulations on Grand #8!!!

  15. Congratulations on Grandchild #8. She is a little beauty. Blessings to all. xo

  16. Precious treasure! She is so sweet. Enjoy, but I know you will. Blessings, Ginger

  17. Jacqueline, this new little angel is one lucky child to have you in her life. How special that she is named for you. I love the name Jacqueline! Thanks for sharing the good news. Congratulations!

  18. Jacqueline, Congrats on your beautiful granddaughter. How special that she will share your name. Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday too. ~Marti

  19. Congratulations on the addition of such a sweet baby girl to your family! It must be such an honour to be a namesake.

  20. She's a little sweetie Jacqueline, congratulations Grandma on another grandchild and one named after you.
    Most of us do have shorter versions of our name and like you I used mine for years but have always liked my full name too.

  21. Congratulations, Jacqueline! How wonderful to welcome another healthy baby girl into your family!

  22. She is beautiful!! So happy for all of you!!

  23. She is a little pink bundle of joy! Love that your grandson had such a strong feeling to name her and ask about her before she was born. Blessings to all of you!

  24. Congrats to all on the new baby! She is darling! You don't look like a grandma of 8!!!


  25. She is beautiful. Congratulations, Jacqueline and family.

  26. Jacqueline, You have now caught up with me:) She is a real beauty and how special that she shares your name! My first grandchild has my name as her middle name, Suzanne, which is my given name. I have always been, Sue, but when I went to college I tried to go by Suzanne:) Congratulations!!! That is so sweet that your grandson was set on calling her by Jacquelyn:)

  27. Congratulations!! What a little doll and I love her name :) What a blessing!

  28. What a beautiful bundle of joy, Jacqueline! Congratulations to you and your family to a wonderful addition. Enjoy her!

  29. Belated congrats! Beautiful! Our son's 5 th was born the 22nd.


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