Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Paris Party

Wouldn't I have loved to have gone back to
for my anniversary again this year,
but alas, that wasn't to be, so I
created a bit of Paris in my back yard.

Just a little down the hill I can buy macarons
that almost make me feel like I am at a patisserie.
These were rose flavored.

Perfect to pair with all of the stunning red roses in my garden.

I have set a romantic table for two using my fun
Eiffel tower plates.

Everything is black and white with a punch of red.

My French garden is the perfect spot to place my 
romantic mirrored table.

The antique mirrored effect of the table is so
beautiful on the patio.

The table is filled with fresh roses from the garden.

These are some of the most beautiful roses.  The flowers are 
fabulous right now and I love to cut them and bring them in
and enjoy them.

Sparkling red napkins with a jeweled napkin ring
seem perfect for the placesetting.

Oh, the intensity of the red.

Under the Eiffel tower plates are plates featuring
 French estate homes.  I love how they capture the beauty
of the wonderful homes you see in France.

This wonderful romantic heart with wings is a treasure
I brought back from Cabo.  

Here is a view looking back over the roses.

The finishing touch of course is the addition of the rose flavored
macarons.  What a wonderful way to bring Paris to us.

Come join
the most beautiful blog
for her Paris party

and feel like you have traveled there
June 8- June 15.

Posting with


  1. I'll be there!I'm going with all of you to Paris.I'll be joining next week,see you then-Denise

  2. pretty.. tres jolie bien sure ;)

  3. What a great Paris post !!...i am also in Paris this year with Anita !!

  4. Such a pretty setting in the garden! Your roses are beautiful, love that deep red color-enjoy:@)

  5. The colors you've chosen capture the intended mood beautifully. Love those napkin rings also!

  6. What a pretty table set in such a pretty outdoor setting too! I love your plates, especially the ones of the estate homes...they are unique!

  7. Magnifique! This is one seriously beautiful post. I'm especially charmed by using that lovely mirrored table. I'm stunned!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  8. So many thinkgs to love the dishes and that mirrored table are great. Love it!


  9. how lovely, I love the black and white with the red POP! anne

  10. I miss Paris, too, and love how you have captured the mood with your pretty Paris plates and gorgeous red roses. Lovely table, Jacqueline. Congratulations to you for your sweet new grandbaby.

  11. Why would you ever need to go to PARIS when you have paris in your own backyard...Gorgeous and so romantic...
    you really did a fabulous job

  12. Wow, that mirrored table DOES add wonderful sparkle to your oh-so-French anniversary celebration! I love the red roses with the black and white color scheme -- dramatic and romantic!

  13. Jacqueline, you've captured the feel and mood of a intimate French garden. I'd love to be dining here on this beautiful table setting. Perfection!
    Your roses are gorgeous and so is the urn full o petunias.
    Oh, to be back in Paris! Angelina's and oh so many other favorite spots. Your post is perfect for Anita's Paris Party! ~ Sarah

  14. Beautiful table, J! Love the black with the pop of red! Dishes adorable! The sweets look good too!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!

  15. What a beautiful table! Happy Anniversary!

  16. Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!!! Rose flavored macarons, mmm xo

  17. What a wonderful idea to bring a mirrored table out into the garden/patio area! What is a more beautiful reflection than nature itself? Brilliant! You set a gorgeous table, Jacqueline, and the Parisians should be jealous! :-) I love the punches of red against the neutral black and white. Your roses are magnificent! I could kill a rose bush just by looking in its general direction. :-( Sadly, not my forte. I hope your anniversary celebration is as fabulous as last year...even without the passport!

  18. Such an elegant Parisian table for two! Doesn't the mirrored table just set the mood for your romantic anniversary celebration.
    The black, white and silver are nice but then the red accents - gorgeous. Perfect red roses too Jacqueline.

  19. This party looks FABULOUS! I threw a Parisian baby shower for a girlfriend and it was so much fun to plan.

  20. Such a stunning table. Love love the red black and white.. especially on the mirrored table. Your roses are absolutely spectacular.. and the dishes just totally make me wish i were in Paris!! Have a great weekend. xo marlis

  21. Everything is exceeding beautiful! Gorgeous mirrored table and a very pretty setting to take the place of Paris.

  22. What lovely photos! I've never been to Paris, but you really captured the spirit. Congratulations on your new grand baby.

  23. The second best thing to being in Paris is being in your own backyard. Lovely tablesetting and those macaroons look divine!!! Love the Paris plates too : )

    Danielle xo

  24. WOOOOOOOOOOOO JACQUELINE! Your garden....that is enough to stop me in my tracks. BUT THAT MIRRORED TABLE???? It is exquisitely placed amongst what looks to me a European style garden in the lushest of greens. That is what I have going and it is so peaceful! But your tablescapes are magnificent here! IF THIS IS what you are doing for a prep for the Paris Party, then what delightful and beautiful things do you have up your sleeve for JUNE 8? This is just perfect. HAVE A BLAST and let's dream dream DREAM!

    Many thanks for the mention!! Anita

  25. Your roses are fabulous. What a pretty French tablescape. Love everything and the pretty mirrored table. What kind of
    camera do you use? Just lovely.

  26. Macaroons are my favorite!!! Looks like a lovely party.

  27. Ahhh...Paris...Thank you for the little visit. And those roses!!! OMG, they almost don't look real! They're so beautiful! ~Zuni

  28. Can't believe it has already been a YEAR since you posted about going to Paris! Yikes, how time flies!
    The black and white looks so sharp and classic, and the pops of red are stunning!

  29. I would say you've done a terrific job creating Paris in your own back yard. I'm glad you mentioned that you bought the macaroons because for a split second I was even more impressed! (:

  30. Hi Jacqueline, I was starting to feel sad that you could not go to Paris for your anniversary and then I remembered those fabulous pictures of Cabo !!!! and I wasn't feeling so sorry anymore! :) Just kidding. I would love to have you go to Paris again and show us more wonderful places there. I don't know what is the matter with me today. When I saw that rose I actually inhaled thinking I would enjoy the delightful aroma that only those full red roses have. Your photos and the table setting are beautiful and the macaroons look so delish! Have a wonderful day. Linda

  31. What a wonderful table! The red roses are the perfect jewels to celebrate your anniversary, and I love the Parisian plates! Happy Anniversary! Cherry Kay

  32. I am so glad I saved this post to come see. This is TRES MAGNIFIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the plates but your GARDENS in the background are magnificent. The roses are gorgeous. Such beaty displayed here, especially that mirrored table. WOW!!!! XO Pinky


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