Friday, June 3, 2011

We Have Arrived In Paris

The only other time we visited Paris we stayed with
friends in their home so arranging for a hotel on-line
made me a little nervous.

My husband ended up picking out the hotel, so imagine
my surprise when we walked into the lobby of the
magnificent Westin Vendome in Paris.

Ever elegant Marsha at Splenderosa had just
mentioned this as a place to stay in Paris and I was
so excited to tell her that was the hotel we were staying
in.  Marsha, it is more incredible than I would have

Absolutely gorgeous and wonderful in every way.  The staff could
not have been more helpful.

Then we walked in the room - hubby didn't know of
course, but it was purple, purple and more purple!

I don't think I have ever had a purple hotel room before.

These walls are a pale lavender, which doesn't
shoe in the photos that well.  The carpet is a
multi colored strip border with a pale lavender pattern
in the middle.  The curtains are a dusty purple and
even the headboard of the bed is a dusty purple
leather.  Gorgeous and elegant.
There is even a
 quaint fireplace in the room too with a marble surround.

I adore the tall, tall windows in classic Paris architecture
and our room had one overlooking our lovely courtyard.  
European rooms are smaller but this is really charming. 

Look at this amazing crystal chandelier with
a satin shade

and purple crystals!  I love those.

We hit the streets running and headed straight over
to Galerie Lafayette which was just a couple
of blocks away.

Several people mentioned on their blogs to go to
the rooftop terrace to see the views of Paris,
which we did.  Thanks for the recommendation.
This is the beautiful Opera House.

We even caught a view of Sacre Coeur from the roof.

 We ate lunch in the rooftop restaurant and of
course had to have some wonderful gelato.

 The clouds opened up to create a great picture of street lamps.

Just walking the streets is so entertaining.  Fun
little floral shops are everywhere.

We also headed to the Louvre which we found out was closed
on Tuesday, but the grounds are just fun to be on.

All this walking and we were ready to eat again, just outside of the Louvre is a wonderful
little sandwich shop called Paul.

Our friends wanted a bite of the sandwich too.

There are so many ways to get around in Paris,
you can walk, which we did plenty of, there
are trains and the metro and taxis, but we
thought we would try this fun bicycle and head
over to the Eiffel Tower.

We got on the bicycle right outside of the Jardin des Tuileries which
is just beautiful right now.

This is the sight my daughter was most excited to see!
It is so magnificent, you almost forget.

After almost eight hours of sightseeing, the jet lag was starting to set
in and we headed back to our hotel.  Notice the timing was perfect to
capture the blue hour through our balcony door.

I had to capture the view out the balcony to the courtyard
below.  It is so quiet and private here in the middle of Paris.

I told my husband he could not have picked a more perfect hotel,
perfect location, perfectly beautiful and perfect decor
(especially the purple room!)

Here is a little more of the blue hour showing
the rooftops in the courtyard. 

Of all things Parisian, I think I adore the architecture
the most, especially the stone work, the balconies and
the rooftops.  

Exhausting but exhilarating and we did it without
speaking French (alas) but so far everyone has
been nothing but charming!
Merci Paris! 


  1. Hi Jacqueline,
    What a spectacular hotel! The chandeliers are stunning and the architecture of Paris is something else. My youngest son is in France right now at a Math Conference. He was in Paris and now he's in Nantes. He will be going back to Paris before coming home. He will have lots of pictures and hopefully a little something for his Mama.
    I'm sure you are enjoying your trip and right now, I am so filled with envy. Thanks for sharing. Fabulous photos!


  2. Enjoy every moment! What a dream of a trip!

  3. Fantastic photos! I'll bet you are exhausted after such a busy day. There are so many wonderful things to see and experience in Paris.

  4. i LOVE armchair travels with a woman with a great eye for beauty ;) i spent my honeymoon there, its fun reliving the moments with you, we stayed across from the louve/tuileries, i only wish we thought to bike like you did, such a great way to take it all in.

    thanks for sharing, its a cold, wet rainy weekend in ca, i am sure you are thrilled to be missing the snow in ut!

  5. This completely made my amazing. I can not wait to see more...more...more!

  6. This is incredible! It brings back so many memories! I'm so glad you are having a great time! The hotel is marvelous and I love the chandelier with the shade and all in purple. Paris is so beautiful and the architecture is my favorite as well. Thanks for sharing all the pics and hope the rest of your trip is safe and enjoyable! I think I'll go have some Nutella and think of being in Paris!

  7. Wow! Looks like a fantastic trip! Glad your husband was able to find such a gem of a hotel. It looks superb and absolutely perfect for you!

  8. Great photos. your hotel sounds amazing... have fun and safe travels!

  9. What a wonderful post !!
    Your husband did a splendid job in locating this hotel for you. It's orientation is perfect, I think. Thanks for the sweet mention too. So happy for you guys to be there and loving everything. Absorb everything and keep sending us pics. Happy holiday!!!

  10. Everything looks so wonderful. Love the blue hour photos. I have been trying to catch it with no luck. It all looks so much prettier in french! The architecture is just spectacular. I can't wait to see more of your pics. Glad you arrived safely!

  11. Jacqueline, this hotel looks just fabulous. And the fact that your room was done in purple makes it even more fabulous! Your photos are always spectacular. I feel as if I am there. Safe travels, xo

  12. Incredible!!! How beautiful everything looks! Enjoy:)

  13. So excited for you and delighted your room is purple! That is so special. I am still smiling enjoying your pictures and hearing about your arrival and day. Having been there in April I still enjoy thinking about everything and looking at our pictures and others that are there like you. I do not get tired of Paris! The city is alive and so exciting. Happy for you. I only did one blog post while I was there because I stayed up too late doing it. But it is fun for us back here so if you are up to it we will welcome more. I finally got around to posting about our Provence trip after Paris just this week. ENJOY!

  14. Could your room be anymore perfect? Such a beautiful hotel, so elegant! I would have to partake of everything Paris had to offer so my feet would likely fall off the first day! Our Grandson visited Paris when he was 5, but remembers little about his great adventure. I love L'Heure Bleue!

  15. Paris is so beautiful city...i was there more than onces......nice pictures !! enjoy your

  16. Thanks for sharing! What an incredible hotel! Paris has always been a place I'd love to visit. The buildings are so beautiful!

  17. Oh, my dear....wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! What a gorgeous hotel and that you got a purple room is just fantastic!
    And then your Paris shots.
    I completely agree--well, I haven't been to Paris yet, but about European style--it's the architecture that I photograph the most and love so much!
    Have a splendid time!!!!
    Hugs/blessings/travel mercies,

  18. Jacqueline simply gorgeous beyond!! Love every single image and only wish I were there as well!!

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    Art by Karena

  19. Jacqueline, I'm thrilled for you. What fun it is for me to see Paris through the lens of your camera. Your shots are exquisite! Enjoy every inch of that beautiful city. ~ Sarah

  20. Oh are THERE!!! EVERYTHING IS LOVELY! ANd I love PAUL. I ate an entire BAGUETTE there and it was the best during my stay in France. And la Gallerie LaFayette is superb. Oh, ENJOY YOURSELF!! Anita

  21. Jacqueline,
    I am seeing Paris through your eyes. It's so beautiful. I hope to get there one day, but unti then - keep writing. I love reading about your travels.

  22. Jacqueline, Your husband has good taste in hotels:) Your room was made just for you! Continue having a wonderful time and sharing it with us!

  23. It's all so breathtaking! I really hope you're enjoying your trip.

  24. Ooh la la! Your husband did an outstanding job of choosing a hotel. I look forward to more posts with beautiful scenes of Paris!

  25. What a great report of your first day there..I hung on every word! Oh how I wish I could travel there, never will but I will enjoy it through you. The hotel is heaven!!! :D

  26. Those pictures are gorgeous! Looks like you guys covered a lot of grounds on your first day!

  27. My stomach has butterflies in it as I look at your pics of Paris...I love that place. I hope you're having the time of your life! Very envious but love seeing your pictures. Almost like being there myself!

  28. I'm reading the posts backwards...looks fabulous!

  29. Such gorgeous photos. Sounds like a fantastic trip!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  30. I'm back visiting your Paris post. I love Paris and it was fun to look at your pictures again. What a great time you had. Beautiful photos. Makes me want to go back soon.

    Don't you love the thumbnails at the bottom of our posts that send you back down memory lane.


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