Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Galeries Lafayette - Gourmet Food Shopping Paradise

The French rage these days is macarons!  How
about these fabulous ones we had for breakfast
in a little shop called Angelina's around the corner
from our hotel.  They were filled with a little
raspberry jelly type filling surrounded by a bit
of frosting and then a row of raspberries.  On top
they were sprinkled with candied  violets and a touch
of edible silver - an edible piece of art.

Each bite popped with a fresh raspberry.  These
are quite a bit larger than most macarons we found
but I had no problem finishing this one off.

Look forward to a post where I try making these
fabulous treats.

I know two of my favorite cooks,
Monique at La Table De Nana say they are
harder than they expected but they both
made beautiful macarons.

I had candied some of my own violets this spring 
but of course had to pick some up in Paris too. 
Theirs are quite different from mine.

There are no croissants like they have in France
and we had some of the best ever for breakfast every
morning.  We bought both of these treats and
then headed to the Tuileries to eat them on a park bench.

I certainly couldn't eat like this every day at home
but we were on vacation!  Look at how flakey
and tender these are.

Have you tried making homemade butter croissants?
I have and they have never turned out anything like this.

On my last visit to Paris I stumbled upon Galeries Lafayette's
Gourmet Food emporium.  This is a food lover's delight.
It is huge and has fresh foods,
 prepared foods, places to stop and eat and all kinds of
packaged foods.

I have dreamt of going back there and so I Googled it to find

(These are wonderful truffle oils that we had to bring home.)

(These are all kinds of sugar and chocolate decorations for
baking.  Of course I filled my cart with these fun and unusual

We didn't find it the first day (I had forgotten my Google
instructions in the hotel) so we went back another day and
it was more wonderful than I remembered.

Just look at these hanging prosciuttos; their meats are
unbelievable.  The meat can be bought
by the kilo or the gram.  Some of these meats
are several hundred euros for a kilo - you 
probably would just buy a few slices.

You can also buy sandwiches ready made.
It is really fun to purchase a picnic meal
from here and walk over to the Tuileries for your picnic.

There is a huge Oriental section of prepared foods too.

And of course, all kinds of unbelievable desserts and
pastries.  I found every pastry to be delightful.  I hate it
when a pastry looks great but tastes awful.

Beautiful, beautiful macarons.  I had never had one before
this trip.

No one minded me taking photos until we walked outside
of the actual store and saw this beautiful display of bulk
spices.  I just had to have a photo of it and immediately
I was told not to take photos!

We filled our baskets with truffle oil, chocolates, chocolate
dragees and candy decorations.  It was wonderful.

Of course I planned on this and brought an extra suitcase
for this - one for food and one for other purchases.

If you make it to Galeries Lafayette and you want to go here,
cross the street to the Men's store and it is on the 
far end of the building up one level.

One caution - you can bring home lots of the food but not
meat unless it is canned.  The US Custom's agent said they
will take it away even if it is vacuum packed, so enjoy it
there.  You also can't bring any fresh fruit or vegetables
but cheese are fine.  Of course if you live in Europe, 
you can bring anything home with you.

I will be posting this with 

I apologize as I wanted to stay right on top
of our trip, but once we got to Italy, our internet
service wouldn't work on Blogger, I couldn't upload
pictures and I couldn't comment on anyone's posts,
so I will be busy catching you up and catching up with


  1. WOW, I didn't know about Galleries Lafayette food section. It looks marvelous. I love French Dragees and the chocolate sound great. Love all your photos!

  2. I love macaroons too; that one looks incredible! They are really hard to find where I live (good French ones that is!) What an incredible place that was you visited. My husband would have wanted to buy about 10 bottles of truffle oil. I also wanted to tell you I made your Lemon Shortbread Truffles for a party recently and everyone raved over them and couldn't get enough of them!

  3. Jacqueline, you are making me soooooo envious. I can't wait to get back to Paris. Your photos are amazing. I could lick the screen. LOL
    ~ Sarah

  4. All of us are longing to be there, smelling the wonderful food in the good store and the croissants that you had for breakfast.

  5. I sure am enjoying my trip...I will never get there but I am enjoying it through you, thanks for sharing. Loved both of these last posts. :D

  6. OH My Goodness! I wish I'm there too! I would have trouble controlling my shopping there for sure! LOL...everything looks wonderful, my dear. Have fun for the rest of your trip...and I'm sure you will! Thanks for sharing.

    BTW, since you mentioned French Macarons. I just made some and posted a recipe and tip on that. Check it out when you return/have time. Take care.


  7. Oh, what a trip. I have never had a macaroon like the ones pictured. I shall have to google and research now! Love your description of the market. I would have needed 2 suitcases.


  8. Oh Jacqueline, I just wanna cry! Everything is so perfect, so BEAUTIFUL! Oh how I remember LaFayette; we went there one day after a long excursion throughout the city; we got our food, ran up to the highest floor and found a table and chairs. We ate; on s'est bien regalé...and then we fell asleep at our table! They probably thought were were vagabonds! But what a dream to be nice to see you!!! Anita

  9. What a great post darling !! is so wonderful city...mi love macrones !!...have a nice

  10. I was mesmorized. Everything looks so amazing. I can actually TASTE how great it all is. YUM. Keep posting!


  12. glad you are home safe and sound.. Looks like a fabulous trip.. I love eating my way through countries! Omg, I wonder why no picks of the funny. Great photos,I've enjoyed my visit so much.. :-) blessings,marlis

  13. Welcome back home, and I enjoyed traveling through Paris with you. I am sure your macarons will turn out perfectly. Can't wait to see them. Your photos are so beautiful. Love the one with the spices. xo,

  14. Jacqueline, I've been there and it is a delightful place. Your pictures are beautiful. Did you bring anything home? Hard to fit things in a suitcase but we sure want to. I could go back and back to Paris. Never, would I tire of it.

  15. Love the things you found! Can't wait to see what you do with them! Welcome home

  16. What a foodie's paradise that place must be! Hope you brought an extra suitcase :)

  17. Ahhh... to be in Paris.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Wow that macaroon was the most beautiful one I have ever seen. Oh how I wish I could go back to Paris and shop! Can't wait to see all the fun treats your make when you get back with your new sugars and spices!

  19. Wow! That macaroon looks amazing. Pretty enough to paint ;) I love my quick trips to Paris on my lunch break... via your blog :)

  20. Oh I would have loved to stroll around the gourmet food emporium with you:) The macarons look gorgeous! I have only eaten my own and wasn't too impressed with the taste/texture:( I actually did enjoy the croissants I made though:)

  21. I think I gained 10lbs just from looking at this beautiful post!
    All those sweets...and the croissants...I HAVE to get to Paris this year!!!!


  22. They look wonderful! Monique said they are like a meringue, and I am not partial to that. Even so, I would like to test one! :)
    Your trip looks wonderful!

  23. BONJOUR JACQUELINE!!!! THANK YOU for coming to visit me! I am so happy to see you for I so enjoy your blog and getting to know YOU!!!! Yes, these Blogger issues have kept many friends in the lurch and away...but it is sweet to see you and I am NOW OFFICIALLY ON SUMMER VACATION; school got out yesterday and it was so emotional..those darling fourth graders are the best.


  24. I have loved every picture, every description, every morsel you ate! Thank you so much for sharing your travels Jacqueline. The macarons are something I've been tempted to try making, cannot wait until you do a tutorial! Those dragees in your cart are HUGE! What a fabulous find that market, I'd be in foodie Heaven...

  25. I LOVE macarons! France has a National Macaron Day and it just happens to fall on my birthday :) I have been researching and collecting macaron recipes for over 4 years ever since I had them in Paris in 2007. I would love to try and make them with you! I have recipes for my favorite flavors, though, so you may want to try different ones.

  26. Brought back great memories of my yearly travels for our anniversary to Paris. We go to Bon Marche and Luxembourg Gardens for our picnics!

  27. FAB pictures...jsut liek being there...well almost.

  28. I think Honeyville Grain sells almond meal/flour for much cheaper than other sources I found, plus you can get it in bulk. I bought mine about 3 or 4 years ago for macaron-making and have kept it in the freezer. I can't remember how much the 5 lb. bag was, but it was cheaper than others. Dowd & Rogers also sells it.

  29. I adore the food market at Galleries Layafette, Au Bon Marche also has a good epicerie. Love love love Angelinas.

  30. Beautiful awesome distribute. It will always be pleasant and valuable submit. Thankyou for expressing a lot of these perfect search topics.

  31. Hi friend, Groundbreaking, i was assert cheersmeant for blogging an exceedinglyprime quality post, basically might help others in numerous options

  32. I love the pictures you took! Everything is wonderfully presented, so colorful and looks really yummy. I also love macaroons! I like the ones that aren't too sweet though. I usually buy them at a milk tea place in our area. It goes well with that drink too. I hope I would get the chance to go to Galeries Lafayette. It looks amazing there!

    Lawrie Brinkerhoff


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