Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fabulous Versailles - From Palatial Splendor to Rustic Charm

Versailles, the home of kings and queens is something
that one should make the effort to see.  

First though, we had to have our favorite breakfast
waffles smothered in Nutella and whipped cream
just at the Champs Elysees end of the Tuileries.  We
had these waffles when we were in Paris before and
were delighted that the stand was still there.

Truly the moistest, most amazing waffle I have ever tasted.
Nothing I have ever had or made compared to this.

We took the
train out to Versailles.  It was just two blocks from our
hotel and very easy to reach, then we walked a few blocks.

You are greeted by gold gates and fences that speak
of the wealth of France.

Through the gates you glimpse the gorgeous palace
which has been so beautifully preserved.

Whether you are a lover of painting, architecture, interior design
or gardens, Versailles is absolutely exquisite.

This is a beautiful royal bedroom. Behind the rails is the private
In front of the rails is where the courtiers would gather in the
We have a truly different view of the privacy of a bedroom.  I don't
think I would want crowds of people in my bedroom each morning!

I had to include this beautiful purple room and rug.  So much of the public spaces were
set aside for games and gathering as that was major form of entertainment.

This is another royal bedroom, I love the ostrich feathers
at the top of the bed.

The famous Hall of Mirrors can't be captured in film.  It is exquisite
and mammoth.  Courtiers would gather here each morning in hopes
of capturing the eye of the king on his way to chapel.

One of my favorite parts of the palace
are the gorgeous grounds.

When we went to Versailles previously it was
during February so all of the fountains
were empty and nothing was green.

It was gorgeous to see it beautiful and lush.

You could wander here all day and still not see it all.

There are so many beautiful parts of the gardens, enchanting
beyond belief.

The flowers are just becoming lush.

The Grand Trianon, another gorgeous part of Versailles
is away from the press of the Palace crowds where
                                                             military plans were made.

I loved this beautiful marble flooring between
the two wings of the Grand Trianon.

The Petit Trianon was given to Marie Antoinette
by her husband Kind Louis XVI.  My favorite
part of it was seeing the vast kitchens down

Now here is an amazing oven and cooktop!
As a foodie, it was so fun to get to peek at behind
the scenes.  I can just imagine the cooking staff in
these vast kitchens spaces.

I could cook on this!

Despite all of the grandeur, my favorite part of Versailles
is Marie Antoinette's Hamlet which she had built as
a getaway from the crowds for her children.

It is built on a man made lake with man made streams
and is so charming.  What child wouldn't love to 
tromp around here during the summers.

Rustic charm was "in" at the time and was a nice
contrast to the formality and crowds of the Palace.

They even have a working farm now.  We saw all kinds of animals and
people working the farm.

The Hamlet is something I have dreamed of
seeing another time and to see it beautiful and
green and filled with pots of blooms was just
a highlight, not to mention the animals, all of
which we didn't get to see last time.

Marie Antoinette, the name made most
famous from Versailles, also loved the theater

and had this gorgeous theater built where she participated in plays
and directed plays.

I know she has been condemned by the world because
of the famous words, "Let them eat cake."  I have to 
wonder as I watch politics today, if she really even said 
that or was that just a political rally to call for the
revolution.  I guess we will never know, but
these fabulous cakes filled with cream and 
meringue are served here at Versailles and they
reminded me of that infamous saying.

We also sampled some of their chocolate
mousse cake with touches of real gold
and macarons.  This was all served at the
grounds of Versailles.

I am so glad my good friend Rachel told me
that we could do Versailles despite our limited
time here.  

Thanks Rachel!

Hope you enjoyed a peek at a little bit of 

I will be posting this with


  1. Totally fabulous post, J. No one has captured Versailles as you have. Wonderful pics, my friend. I was told the formal vista of the gardens were about the 4 elements, all of which were incorporated: Earth, Wind, Fire & Water. Makes it even more special when you realize the grand design that went into every element. xx's

  2. Amazing pictures!

    It is one of my favorite spots to visit and hope to get back one day soon with the little one. Your pictures definitely give me inspiration to make it happen.

    It looks like you had a fantastic time. Thanks so much for sharing!


  3. Love Versailles...i was there too once...and i will back !! maybe soon.....lovely week darling...enjoy !! xxx...

  4. Jacqueline, your photos are fabulous. I visited Versailles my first trip to Paris back in the 80s, but it was in December. I think I need to return in another season. Love the Hamlet, too. Thanks for sharing. ~ sarah

  5. Just gorgeous photos! The weather looks so nice. I didn't see Trianon when I was there but it looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. One of my favorite places... I missed the hamlet, so jealous!

    Thanks for taking us along ~

  7. Jackie, Even though I've been there a bunch, I loved seeing your photos and comments. You just drink it all in. Craig and I are in Brussels right now. Paula

  8. Hi Jacqueline, What a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. I am so glad you are having this wondeful opportunity - it's a big, big world out there and how wonderful to travel and experience the differences and the similarities.
    Blessings, Beth

  9. What a wonderful day you must have had! Versailles was the inspiration for the Summer Palace outside of St Petersburg in Russia and we saw the French influence everywhere.
    A few years ago, as our daughter entered her last year of high school we made a trip to France, Germany and Denmark as a last 'hurrah' before she set off for university. It was a wonderful month - I've always been glad we did it.

  10. Hi Jacqueline - Your photos are fabulous and make me want to board the next plane for France. You are covering a lot of territory in a short time. Thanks for taking us along.

  11. Wow Love Versailles! Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for the tour!

  12. I love Versailles, too! My favorite moment was when they played the symphony music written for Louis XV over the sound system and the fountains 'danced' just like they did for Louis' court and guests all those years ago. I was fascinated by all the different motifs incorporated into Versailles...actually into so many of the historical structures. Just amazing! So glad that you had a wonderful day at Versailles! Enjoy the rest of your marvelous adventure! Cherry Kay

  13. I was so excited to see the pictures! I'm so glad you went, and the pictures look amazing... have fun in Italy cant wait to see the next part of your trip as well!

  14. Wow so many wonderful things to see! I am jealous! I wish I was enjoying luxury and gelato. I love all of your pictures. It makes me want to visit. Have a great trip!

  15. Oh Jacqueline, YOU MADE IT....My favorite part of Versailles also was the kitchen....what glory, what BEAUTY YOU HAVE CAPTURED HERE!!!! BRAVO and enjoy the remainder of your trip. WOW that waffle is lovely! Anita

  16. Oh my, what a life she had! Everything is breathtakingly beautiful.

  17. I'm really hungry right now. Can I have a bite? It all looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Vraiment joli! Love the hall of mirrors, that and the bedrooms have always been my favorites. So funny to see such short beds. The grounds are fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. safe travels and many blessings.

  19. Your pics are all beautiful and I love how you took the time to write a little about each one. My mouth is watering for one of the waffles!!! You are a great travel guide and I love tagging along on your trip to Paris through your wonderful blog. I am looking forward to you next post. Have fun!!!!
    Katherine S.

  20. Magnificent! I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to visit such a wonderful site. Thank you so much for sharing. You make me feel as if I were there, too.

  21. Wonderful vacation and photos!
    Its beauty cannot be put into words, but the memories will never leave you.

  22. Oh that was so much fun! As a person who doesn't fly...I have to visit places like this through others. I feel as if you really took me along. It just looks amazing...and the cakes, mmm!

  23. Your pics are wonderful! We were there in March....the Hamlet is much improved with blooms! Thanks for sharing Paris!

  24. What a great adventure! Those are the biggest waffles I've ever seen:)

  25. I love your pictures! Please continue sharing your trip with us :)

  26. I was drooling over ever picture. I have always wanted to go to Versailles =)

  27. I didn't see your two posts from your trip in my reader. Glitz, glam and gold would describe Versaille -- so amazing in detail and your photos are gorgeous. I loved the Hamlet and the potted flowers everywhere -- bring me a macaron home -- the food looks devine. Joni

  28. STUNNING!!!!!!! I truly need to visit!!! What a kitchen--and the purple room must have made you swoon--it did me!

  29. Oh , I love this! Love all the treats you try too! Too fun!

  30. Thanks for your sweet comment. Re your question on the recipe, the Raspberry Macarons one is on the same post. After all the tips, there's a "continue for recipe" link right below. Click on that link and the recipe is there. :)
    Here's the link again:

    I have 2 other published Macarons recipe: First one is Meyer Lemon Macarons:

    Another one is Opera Macarons:

    Hope you'll enjoy them and try making them soon. :)


  31. I agree with you the hamlet is quite charming. If I had to choose between the two - the palace or the hamlet, I would definitely choose touring the hamlet. It looks like a fairy tale cottage come to life.


  32. What a wonderful tour you've gifted us with!!! I love the photos of the huge bed with its hangings.

    Although - I'd love a taste of that macaron!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  33. It's been years since I've been there. Thanks so much for the tour and bringing back some wonderful memories. I too love the hamlet. Thanks for bringing your visit to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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