Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Joni & Chocolate and Raspberry Croissants

Today is Joni's birthday.  
Most of you know Joni,
she is my sister from Red Couch Recipes that got me
started blogging.  

Joni and I have always had a lot of fun.  She is 3 years younger
than I am.  I am the 2nd from the left and she is the third from
the left in the above picture.  We are at a park sliding down
a slide shaped like a shoe - like the Little Old Woman
 Who Lived In A Shoe.  The other two are cousins.

Joni and I are still playing together!

Hop on over to Red Couch Recipes and wish Joni a
big happy birthday!

I am going to start Joni's day out right by making her a

Chocolate and Raspberry Croissant.

Thaw and roll out 1 sheet of puff pastry.  Cut the sheet into
4 triangles.  On the triangle place a few (about 20) 
semi-sweet chocolate chips and 2-3 fresh raspberries.

Moisten the edges of the pastry and roll up from wide end
to pointed end, stretching over the filling.  Curve the ends
in toward the center.  

Brush with butter or spray with butter flavored Pam.

Place in a preheated 400 degree oven for 15 minutes or
until the pastry is puffed and golden.

Enjoy as the French would do for breakfast.  When
we were in Paris last time we would have these
for breakfast and dip them in hot chocolate.

Each bite is so flaky,

and filled with a burst of chocolate and raspberry flavor.

Joni, hope you enjoyed your birthday breakfast!

I will be posting this with


  1. Aw, how sweet for you to do this for her! If I say today is my birthday will you send me one? Now I am off to wish Joni a Happy Birthday!

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Jacqueline. That croissant looks divine. Wish I had one. xo,

  3. tried in vain to leave a comment on yesterday's post.. belated happy anniversary.. loved the lilacs with the roses and the touch of tulip.. beautiful. I am so making this croissant this weekend.. thanks for sharing this! have a happy wednesday!

  4. oh i wish i had a to joni's thanks for the reminder, anne

  5. That is even better than France. I do love their breakfast. What a great sister you are

  6. What a cute photo, Jacqueline. I'm rushing right over to wish Joni a Happy Birthday, but first I'll take note of how to create one of these croissants for myself. LOL
    ~ Sarah

  7. such sweet sisters, just like your dessert... or breakfast, or lunch or dinner!

  8. "Happy Birthday to your Dear Sister Joni"!!! These breakfast treats look SO GOOD! and easy too. Do you have a favorite BRAND of puff pastry??? I usually avoid it because it's TOUGH.
    Thank you for sharing,
    Big Hugs,

  9. Those look so good! I'm trying them this weekend.

  10. Your croissants look amazing Jacqueline, and what a cute pic! Thanks for the heads up, I'll head over to say "hey':@)

  11. Frozen puff pastry is such a great invention:) These look like the perfect indulgence to celebrate Joni's birthday! You and Joni are quite a team:) The slide photo is darling!

  12. You're a good sister. I'll go wish Joni a very happy birthday.

    I hope you'll be joining us this weekend for The Pink Saturday 3rd Birthday Celebration.♥

  13. Oh YUM, this looks so good! And yes, Happy Birthday to Joni! ;D

  14. Anything involving puff pastry, chocolate and raspberries would always be fabulous! Yum!

  15. Jacqueline -- that picture cracked me up. I remember loving going down that slide! Thank you for the pastries -- they are delicious! I am enjoying my birthday. Joni P.S. Blogging together is sooo much fun -- thanks!

  16. Two of my favorite things are raspberries and chocolate and now in a crossant! I think I've died and gone to heaven!

  17. A perfect birthday treat! Joni is one lucky girl.

  18. I guess I haven't been paying enough attention, as I didn't realise that you are sisters - perhaps the colours in your names should have alerted me - whatever, I love both your blogs!

  19. Looks delicious and Happy Birthday to your sister!

  20. Oh my Jacqueline - this looks so very good! What a terrific idea - love the combination of raspberries and chocolate - wish I had some on hand right now - on my grocery list :)

  21. I have been typing comments to no avail, so I had to see if I could comment here.
    They look so good. I know Joni would enjoy them for sure!
    Now I will go back to your last posts.
    I hope blogger gets fixed soon! I went to 20 blogs that won't accept the comment!
    Have a great weekend!

  22. Hi Jacqueline, you and Joni are so cute in that adorable picture. I love the outfits! I think the french really know how to live--chocolate croissants for breakfast! I'm off to visit Joni. Linda

  23. What an adorable photo of your family :) What a delicious treat your made for Joni!

  24. Hi,
    Thanks a million for all your lovely words on my travel blog:) I do have a decor blog also...which is my main blog...'RAINBOW-The Colours of India'. Wish to see you there! Waiting for your lovely visit! Have a nice weekend ahead :)

    RAINBOW-The Colours of India

  25. WOW, now that's a great way to get your PURPLE...raspberry and chocolate!!! See you in Paris tomorrow! Anita

  26. These look absolutely amazing!!!

  27. Wow, so easy yet so decadent. Thanks for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  28. Happy B-day to your sister. These croissants are so pretty and easy to make. I'm sure they taste just as delicious. Thank you for sharing such a precious picture. :)

    By the way, I'm hosting 2 Giveaways on my blog, please stop by to enter when you have a chance. One for $50 Thrive products and another one for baking molds and more. Have a wonderful weekend.


  29. These look fantastic. I wish I had one now. I'm practically drooling just looking at them. I am bookmarking this to make for sure. Too bad I don't have any puff pastry or I could make them now. I'd love for you to stop by and share these today at These Chicks Cooked Recipe Spotlight. Have a blessed day :)


Your comments are the highlight of my day! Leave a comment and then I can come and visit your blog. Have a wonderful day! Unfortunately I have had to block anonymous comments, hope you understand.