Monday, May 23, 2011

A Floral Shop On My Counter

A vase of fresh cut lilacs

a tulip from the garden

and roses from my husband for our anniversary

my kitchen counter is filled with beauty and

the aroma is intoxicating.

I turned my lights off and put the camera
on the tripod to capture the afternoon light.

Don't you wish fresh flowers lasted longer?

I have already used my new pitcher from California
for a few flower arrangements.

The pairing of the white and purple is stunning.

Somebody needs to make a cake for that poor
empty cake platter.

I am going to share this at
hosted by Marty at
A Stroll Thru Life.  She always has
wonderful tabletop ideas to share.  Go
pay her a visit.  She is just a doll.


  1. Your counter looks beautiful, and I can imagine it must smell delightful. Enjoy while they last!

  2. Very pretty Jacqueline! Love the different color lilacs-enjoy:@)

  3. Looks lovely and the pitcher is a beauty. Happy anniversary! My poor lilac didn't make it from the hedge with all the rain, but I am not complaining, considering the poor folks in Missouri, sending prayers their way. xo,

  4. Truthfully, as much as I love cake...and the fact I'm eating healthy right now makes that even more appealing...your photos are a feast for the eyes and I prefer that right now! Gorgeous!

  5. Happy Anniversary Jacqueline! Those lilacs are gorgeous and must smell wonderful. Ours are just beginning to bud but I can't wait. I agree that fresh flowers don't last long enough. Sometimes they don't last long enough on the plant either and I always hope I am not away when the lilacs and peonies bloom. I was also just reading your post about the cooking class in Italy! What a special treat! I just went to a Patricia Wells book signing and she was tempting me with her cooing classes too. Linda

  6. I'm so happy to see your photograph each time I visit! This is one GREAT post, J. Love all the beauty you have given us today.

  7. You have such a good eye for beauty. Everything turns to magic in your hands.

  8. Love your little flower shop. I bet it does smell like heaven in there. I really miss my lilac tree this year. I just loved sitting on the back patio and smelling their aroma.

  9. There's nothing like fresh flowers. When I have an abundance like you have today, I make sure that I have a bouquet in whatever part of the house I'm in. I love it'1
    Happy anniversary.

  10. Gorgeous! Having fresh flowers in one's home is something everyone should do for themselves! ~ Sarah

  11. So envious when I see fresh cut lilacs! Beautiful. Good find with your California pitcher. Thanks for posting. ~CJ

  12. Gorgeous table...hoping my lilac bush will be fruitful next spring! Such a beautiful pitcher full of roses, too :)

  13. Fresh flowers on the kitchen! Wonderful!

    Big Hugs

  14. Oh, so pretty! Just love your vases and pitcher...really set off the beautiful flowers!
    Thanks so much for visiting and for your sweet comments...

  15. flowers always charm my heart... so does cake, so let me know when your done baking!

  16. Hi lovely lady. Your flowers are so Beautiful in the Vases. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my new Tablescape. I hope you have a Great Week.

  17. I love fresh flowers. Yours are gorgeous! Cherry Kay

  18. You are so beautiful....this post was just full of color. I LOVE lilacs..they are one of my favs...however every time I cut them the wilt so quickly and so I have avoided bringing them inside but I just might have to do it! I will make that cake stand a cupcake!! Hugs

  19. As a floral designer, of course I LOOOVE fresh flowers and do wish they lasted MUCH longer! Your kitchen must smell heavenly! I really love that cake plate and dome! Can you share where you got it? Beautiful! XO, Pinky

  20. Félicitations JACQUELINE!!!! And yes, those flowers should last a life-time of joy! See you Saturday, Anita

  21. Enchanting, your counter is gorgeous. Yes, I wish fresh flowers stayed longer. Thank you for swinging by to say hello.
    hugs ~lynne~

  22. Beautiful! I bet it smells devine too. And Yes! I do wish fresh flowers would last longer inside too!

  23. Beautiful, it's amazing what fresh flowers can do for a woman's soul!!! Love it.

  24. Flowers are great !! to work with...that's my life darling

  25. Absolutely gorgeous! And I can smell those flowers all the way here in Mexico.
    Have a great week.
    Ladybug Creek

  26. Hi :) What kind of camera are you using? I hope I haven't asked before. I'm camera shopping while I save up for one and your photos are amazing.

  27. The scent from the lilacs must be heavenly!

  28. Absolutely stunning. I adore it all. I am sure the aroma is unreal. Your pics are beautiful too. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  29. Yes! I do wish cut flowers lasted longer, I'm looking a cut lilacs now in the throes of wilt... Give the choice of flowers & cake, give me flowers any day :-)


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