Thursday, May 19, 2011

Butterfly Garden Cupcakes

I love to play with my food.  I am addicted to cookbooks, to
food blogs, to food magazines, to cooking shows!  What can
I say?

I love to make food beautiful and a little work of art too.

If you are a cookbook collector like me, you probably have 
                                     Hello Cupcake.
They all look so fun.  I decided to try making some of their
chocolate butterflies.

 They have a template for the wings, I fancified them a bit adding
some extra curlicues and pearl dragees.

Trace the pattern onto parchment or waxed paper.  I folded it
over and retraced it so the two wings looked alike.  Outline the shape, then
outline again to create a wide border.  Fill in with contrasting color.  Shake
the paper a little to have the two colors meet then use a toothpick to drag
the darker color of chocolate into the lighter.

On this one, I made a double set of wings, the pink and chocolate on the bottom and
the chocolate and pink on the top.  Stick them into the frosting and then pipe a body
on in chocolate frosting.  Add a v-shaped antennae that you have made from the
chocolate.  Make extra antennae as they break easily.

I just love these baking cups that you can buy at Sur la Table.  They make
them look so professional.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Purple Chocolat Home today.

Have fun and give these a try, they were really easy and fun to play with.

I will be posting this with

Foodie Fridays
Favorite Things Saturday
Pink Saturday
Sweets For A Saturday
Sweet Treats


  1. Beautiful! I recently attempted some chocolate butterfly toppers for a friend who loves butterflies. Let's just say they were nowhere nearly as artful as your beauties! I'll be trying them again.

  2. Those are adorable and I love the color scheme!

  3. My kids are all telling me they want these cupcakes!

  4. Unbelievable. I have never seen anything like this! xo,

  5. we love all the same things... i have made these too, they just delight me so. i adore yours doubled so pretty in pink, i wish i could flutter over and fall flat on my face in them :)

  6. Do you know why I love coming to Purple Choclat Home.... could it be the beautiful tablescapes, or possibly the wonderful recipes? Yes, but then there's the fantastical getaways, and the amazing decorating ideas. Everytime I come I learn something today when I learned how to spell "curlicues!" Beautiful cuppiecakes Jacqueline!

  7. I LOVE cookbooks as well and hello cupcake is a fave! This is beautiful--truly artistic! Anne

  8. Beautiful butterflies! Fun art is so much fun.

  9. Oh my, these are so beautiful - I love the colors. Great job!

  10. WOW!!!! These butterflies are beautiful. You amaze me with everything you can do. Would you please consider doing a tutorial on making these precious butterflies? I would love some more pics of the step-by-step process. Thanks for sharing such a fantastic idea!!!! You make everything so beautiful and special. I am speechless!!!

    Katherine S.

  11. STUNNING!!!!!!!!!! You always have the most beautiful posts! I LOVE your blog. Thank you for sharing! Have a beautiful weekend.

  12. You are so amazing lady these are the most beautiful butterflies I have ever seen! :D

  13. You did an amazing job with the butterflies! They are so cute. I have tons of cookbooks, but not that one...guess I better put it on my wish list!
    I agree about the liners. They make such a difference in presentation. I love finding unusual ones.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm really pleased to find you; you have a lovely blog.

  14. Wow, you really are an artist! Amazing!

  15. Yep, little works of edible art! I was just reading a tutorial this morning about tinting the pearl dragees whatever color you needed. They turned out great Jacqueline:@)

  16. Patience...I lack the patience. These are fantastic!

  17. Wonderful butterflies! Thanks for sharing.


  18. Oh, you always, always make my day whenever you drop by to say "hello". :-)

    I need to show this to my kids... my daughter will love it!

    So pretty, Jacqueline!


    Luciane at

  19. You are amazing!!! You truly are.

  20. Those are just adorable! I will have to do some of those for the bitty one. She just loves butterflies. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Those are stunning! I love cupcakes but I have never seen any so beautiful as that...

  22. Oh Jacqueline - they're stunning!!! I absolutely love them.

  23. These are beautiful cupcakes, my goodness, I wish I could eat a few of them right now with a cup of coffee. I love the colors and the beautiful butterfly.

  24. Absolutely gorgeous! I am a huge cookbook person, too ~ seriously, it's almost become an addiction ~ and I have thought about buying that Hello Cupcake from my bookclub. I think now I'll have to. :)

  25. These are so sweet, I'd love to try making some.
    Yours look so professional, thanks for sharing these.

  26. Those are such works of art I don't know if I could bring myself to eat one! Great job on all of the beautiful details.

  27. You did a great job! I made these also from the book..such a cute book..I have to tell you that yours are prettier than mine were..What was I thinking with orange and brown? Pink is so much prettier..
    I gave the book to my daughter..i should borrow it again..Ils sont beaux beaux beaux!

  28. These ate so beautiful! You have an incredible skill and can really manipulate chocolate into art. Who could bite one of these. They belong in a frame. Wow

  29. JACQUELINE!!! I HAVE "SEEN" you around blogland and you came to see me!!! THANK YOU! are going to Paris and Italy? LOVE IT! I was in France and Italy a while back and it was the best thing my husband and I ever did for an anniversary present. Is this your first time? AND YOU WILL LOVE THE FOOD! Your designs and concept here are WONDERFUL! I so wish you could enter my party, but come back to visit upon return. ENJOY YOURSELF AND take in all you can of these two wondrous destinations!!! ANita

  30. Absolutely adorable!!! These are too pretty to eat...but, I would enjoy every bite!

  31. Unbelievably beautiful, Jacqueline! The patience it takes to create something like this is beyond me. I'd KILL the first person who took a bite! LOL

    I did check that book out of the library for awhile. It is amazing what they can do with icing! YOU TOO!!


  32. These are really stunning and I too would have a hard time eating them -- they are works of arts and the pink inside is to die for. Thanks for linking me up. Joni

  33. You get an A++ in butterfly creations. They are just amazingly beautiful Jacqueline!

  34. Oh wow! I have never seen cupcakes as beautiful as these, Jacqueline. Well, I have not seen snakes inthe yard so the moth balls might be working. Although I have not seen any either this year before the balls were placed around. ...Christine

  35. Your butterflies are just amazing!Just beautiful! :D

  36. Amazing job on the butterflies, Jacqueline! You went above and beyond with your flourishes. I have that book also and have made some of the canine cupcakes from it:) Fun!

  37. Hi Jacqueline, thanks for leaving such a sweet comment :) I never use flash when I take photos inside. You have to turn off the auto button and learn yourself a little about how to use the aperture( a big aperture gives you the light you need) The best would be an SLR camera, but if you study your compact camera many of them have special programs for nightlight! I was so thrilled when I found out how to do it (both with compact camera and SLR) so it's worth the effort. Good luck!!! Kristin xx

  38. I also have to say how beautiful these cup cakes look! So lovely!!!


  39. OH JACQUELINE! YOu are ON! I am putting you on my list NOW with your link!!!! You will be fabulous; look at the food art you have going here...but whatever you want to share, ça me convient très bien!!! Excellent. Merci bien for coming to let me know you will participate!!!!! SEE YOU ON MAY 28TH!!! And have a memorable time in my two favorite places on earth! Anita

  40. How beautiful. O, you do have so much talent for things such as this. Just lovely.

  41. Jacqueline!!! You have me speechless with this. Oh, my! It is exquisite. I would love just have a photo of this beauty.

    Wow! Wow! Wow!

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  42. These are a true work of art...not just anyone could make these butterflies so beautiful. Love them!
    I REALLY enjoyed reading your comment on my tablescape post. :) Glad you appreciated the dish filled bed shot! :)


  43. Oh Jacqueline the butterflies are spectacular- and a tutorial to go with it... you just rocked my Friday!

    Sending the love right back at ya!
    Sparkly Hugs and a Happy Pink saturday,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

    PS- come visit- I am having a giveaway!!

  44. Jacqueline,
    These are works of delicate art. But I have a huge urge to bite off a wing! Wonderful and inspiring post!

  45. Ooooo, love art, love chocolate, fabulous!

  46. Jacqueline, I want to come live at your house! These are adorable. I don't have that cupcake book, but I've seen it. You do know how to have fun in the kitchen.
    Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah

  47. Wow! What a FABULOUS job. These are just beautiful!

  48. Hello sweet Jacqueline! I JUST BARELY NOTICED that you had posted a comment on my previous post, I BELIEVE about my mom. THANK YOU DEAREST for leaving a note; it is so difficult, especially during those happy moments of our lives that we wish we could just ring up our moms and tell them what we are up to.....I believe however...and I hope you do nice to know you dear...I am putting your name on my blog list. Your world is DELICIOUSLY ENCHANTING!!! Anita


  49. I have made chocolate butterflies too, but yours are incredible. Great idea to swirl and add dragees! Lisa

  50. As a self proclaimed cupcake queen bee...these took my breath away. I have wanted to try something like this myself and this is all the inspiration I needed (I am sure mine would not be this lovely). Wow!!

  51. How blessed you are with so much talent. This is absolutely unbelievable. Marvelous job.

  52. Jacqueline, you are blessed with a fabulous talent! Who'd want to eat such a beautiful creation ... ME!

    Have a lovely PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  53. Wow, these are absolutely fabulous! You are very talented. Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  54. Happy Pink Saturday, Jacqueline. These cupcakes are just works of art my dear! Awesome job. I be they taste good too..I adore cupcakes.
    Enjoy your weekend..xo Tami

  55. Wow, those cupcakes are a work of art! I definitely need to learn how to make those beautiful butterflies.

  56. I don't even have words for these butterflies!! (Although, with 59 previous comments, I don't think I need any!) I'd love for you to link these up to my sweet treats party this weekend. It's open through tomorrow night! Hope to see you there!

  57. Hi Jacqueline,

    We are both so busy huh?

    Your cupcakes are "to die for".

    Too pretty to eat, I say.

    I have some major catching up to do on your blog.

    I love your new look great!



  58. LOVE, love love these! I've made them before but your pink & chocolate combination with dragees are perfection! Love your double wings too!

  59. Oh my, Looks beautiful and tasty. Thanks for sharing. You make things look easy but for me NOT! hugs, Ginger:)

  60. These are gorgeous!!! As are all of your creations, but wow, these butterflies are all eyecatching!

  61. hey Jacqueline,
    your butterflies looks absolutely gorgeous. I think I will have to try these out :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  62. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Just one problem, Too Pretty to eat! OK, as I live in a house of guys they would NOT have that problem,hehe! You are always sure to come up with a masterpiece! I really really think you and Joni should make a cookbook!!! AND I want an autographed copy! I too am a cookbook junkie, BUT I must say, all I need is the fun you and Joni provide here...Thank you so much for all you do...
    Happy Spring to you,


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