Monday, January 3, 2011

Super Nachos - A Way to Warm Up The Cold


This is what we left at home, snow and ice and freezing
cold with canyons closing and roads impassable.

We escaped to this, Cabo, with blue skies, sunny beaches,
and gorgeous flowers.

What a fun time to get away for the New Year
and to escape the cold.

Cabo living deserves some Cabo style food
for this week.

We call these Super Nachos.  They are a great game time
snack, appetizer or casual family dinner.  They appeal to
all ages.

Super Nachos Recipe

Brown 1 lb. hamburger, drain.
Add 1 pkg. taco seasoning mix stirring in
and heating through.

Heat 2 - 16 oz. cans of refried beans in a
saucepan or the microwave.

On the bottom of a large round  oven-proof pan
spoon the heated refried beans.  Spoon the
seasoned meat on top.  Top with 2 C. shredded
cheddar cheese.  Place in a preheated 350 degree
 oven for 5-10 minutes until the cheese is melted.
Remove from oven.  Top with guacamole, salsa,
sour cream or ranch dressing and chopped tomatoes.

Layer chips around the edge so that it looks like
petals.  I like to layer yellow and green chips, but
any colors would be great. Dip with the chips or
a spoon.

If you are stuck in the cold, hope this warms you up
a little.

(Close your eyes while you are munching on this
and picture your happy place!)

I will be posting this with


  1. Ok, 28 degrees in Philly right now-that's just not right!!! Have a great trip, can't wait to hear about it:@)

  2. I do this too, only I add the refried beans and seasoning to the browned beef in a large frying pan and heat them up together on the stove top adding a touch of water if needed. Maybe I'll make this for a quick dinner this week.


  3. Oh my heck! Cabo looks wonderfully warm and fantastic! Hope you had an amazing time! Happy New Year!

  4. That was a good move, Jacqueline. Great time to be in Cabo and leave the cold weathe. Gorgeous photos!..Christine

  5. What a lovely spot to which to go. Enjoy the sunshine and soak up the rays, stay warm and relax. Have fun.

  6. Love Cabo! So glad you were able to get away...enjoy every moment. I think these nachos look divine!


  7. Good for you!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!! Those photos are such an escape just to see... I wish I had jumped in your suitcase instead of staying here putting Christmas into buckets! Where are those elves when you need them? Charlene

  8. Have a wonderful time...I'm sure you are! I could eat this nacho dish as a meal:) YUM! Adios amiga!

  9. What a scrummy dish! And, wow, a sensational place to keep warm.
    Shel ♥

  10. Blue skies and beaches..bougainvillea too..Love all:) Happy new Year!

  11. I am sitting on that warm sandy beach sipping a mai tai while a cabana boy is fanning me. Bliss...

    Oh yeah and the nachos look wonderful! I LOVE guacamole...

  12. 20 degees here this morning, escaping winter is a wonderful idea!

  13. Cabo sounds wonderful as it is super cold here and the snow is not melting soon. St. George WAS cold and the fountain in front of the condo had icicles in it. Your nachos look wonderful and your silverware looks even better than what I saw on the internet. Happy New Year! Joni

  14. What a treat to ring in the new year in such luscious surroundings! I'm totally jealous. :) Those nachos look great!

  15. That looks delicious. We order nachos out a lot and should try to make it at home.

  16. my teens would love this recipe I am also a new follower

  17. What a gorgeous view with such a blue ocean that it takes my breath away. Nachos sound like a delicious dinner.


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