Friday, January 21, 2011

Snowball Cookie Pops

I love the look when the snow has freshly fallen, thickly
blanketing everything in sight.  That white on white effect
out on the back deck was just gorgeous.

White on white is lovely for a dessert too and
what better dessert than an individual cookie
pop dusted with sparkly white snow apparel
and a hidden chocolate center.

These Snowball Cookie Pops were dressed all in
white for a winter wedding.

I stacked two styrofoam cake rounds and held them
together with bamboo skewers, then edged them with a
wide white satin ribbon held on with pearl topped straight
pins.  The front was decorated with a silver frosted
floral to give it an elegant look.

The bride wanted an all white dessert table.

Three different candy decor were used to create the snowball
effect and the tops of
the styrofoam rounds were also dusted with sparkling
snowflakes to create the look of fresh fallen snow.

Cookie Pop Recipe
(Adapted from Picky Palate who adapted hers from Bakerella.)

1 pkg. Oreo Sandwich Cookies
1 container Betty Crocker Cream Cheese Frosting
White chocolate coating
Candy sprinkles in desired colors

Blend the entire package of Oreos in the food processor until
evenly fine.  Mix the frosting mix in by hand until well blended.
I like to use a pair of latex gloves while I do this.

Form the cookie mix into balls and place on a
parchment lined cookie pan.  Place in the fridge
until set.  (This should make about 50.)

Melt the white chocolate coating.  I melt mine in a
microwave safe bowl.  Melt for 1 minute, stir whether it
looks like it needs it or not, or it will scorch on the bottom.
Melt one minute more and stir.  If it needs more time,
melt at no more than 30 second intervals, always
stirring in between.  ( I have been dipping chocolates
for 30 years now and have had great success with
the microwave as long as you don't forget to stir.)

Remove cookie balls from fridge - don't remove
all at a time or they will get too soft and fall off the
stick as you dip them
.  Dip the end of a sucker stick in the white
chocolate coating. Stick it into the ball.  Let set up.
This should help it from falling off.  If they begin to
fall into the coating, put them back in the fridge to
harden up a little more.
Dip the ball into the white chocolate.  Hold over the
pop over the bowl and let drip for a minute, twirling
to remove excess.  Don't shake or it might fall off
into the bowl. 

Sprinkle any decorations on it while the chocolate is
still wet.  They will set up pretty quickly since the center
is cold.  If the chocolate
drips down the stick, wipe it off with your finger.

Stick the pops into a piece of styrofoam until they
set up hard and you can touch them.  (This is really
important to keep them beautiful.)  If you don't have
a piece of styrofoam handy, fill a large bowl with
several inches of sugar and stand them in the sugar
until they are set.

(You can also use an 8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese in
place of the frosting, but then you have to worry about
keeping them refrigerated.)

You can also dip them like a truffle without the stick.
The richness of the dark Oreo is perfectly complimented
by the white chocolate coating.

They turned out beautifully for the wedding.
We made over 250.  The servers continually refilled
the tiered display so that it stayed beautiful all night.

If you haven't given cake or cookie pops a try,
do it.  They are so elegant and fun. 

These little beauties are going to be "popping"
over to


  1. What a great wedding display!!! These are some of fav cookies to all your sprinkles!

  2. This is amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!! I might try to make them for my lil nephews birthday party this weekend =)

  3. Jacqueline, these are so elegant. I'm printing off the recipe to try them. I've never made cookie pops. The various white candy decors give these wonderful texture. ~ Sarah

  4. This is such a wonderful idea for this time of year - I think I like the sparkly ones the best.

    Have a great weekend,

  5. Your cookie pops are definitely as elegant and beautiful as the fallen snow.



  7. Jacqueline, Your cookie pops look absolutely stunning! The way you have them set up, they look like a white layered wedding cake:) Maybe you can start a trend and substitute the cookie pops for the cake! They are perfectly striking in the white!

  8. I've seen these and just hadn't made them, the frosty white ones get my attention and will file this for a shower idea. Thanks for sharing sweetie!

  9. Wowwww....these cookies looks verry verry nice !!!....lovely Ria....

  10. What a gorgeous post. The snowball cookie pops are unusual and quite sophisticated in appearance. This is really clever. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  11. love the bright white, great job on bringing in the snow fun~

  12. What a fabulous presentation:) You have mastered them and the art of presenting them!
    I made some for my daughter's wedding shower almost 4 yrs ago..I couldn't think of a beautiful way to present so i wrapped green soft styrofoam blocks and plucked them in there:) This is so much prettier! And the little swiss dots are "la touche finale".

  13. What a beautiful idea! I am yet to make cake or cookie pops and am super anxious to try. This would make a great entertaining idea during this winter. I hope you'll join Saturday Swap. This is a fabulous idea!! Have a super weekend!!!

  14. I bet the kids would have a ball helping me make these! They look yummy and sound fun to make. Love how you displayed them. Beautiful arrangement!

  15. How beautiful! I am going to try this. I love the name of them. Thanks so much for sharing them.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. These cookie pops are genius! I need to try them! : )

  17. You are a amazing friend. Thanks for sharing all your great stuff. The bride loved them and I loved having your help!!!!

  18. This display of Cookie Pops is unbelievable. It is so, so pretty! I love the white on white! What a great display on a sweet table!

  19. Very pretty Jacqueline! I'm sure everyone loved them, especially the bride:@)

  20. These are some of the prettiest I have ever seen. I love those oreo cookies balls I have had them before. Not with frosting though.

  21. there anything you CAN'T do...LOL. Those are too pretty to eat...well...maybe. I do love the chocolate center....LOL

    Beautiful as always!!

  22. Stunning! Beautiful and delicious. Who could ask for more?

  23. WOW! What a great idea. Never sAw anything like it. R U a baker? You should.. Have a great time at that bridal shower.

  24. Beautiful scenery with yummy pops. Looks like a fairytale. Where I live we only get fog, I don't think fogball pops sounds quite the same but I'm going to try them anyway. Thanks again for a great post.

  25. These are beautiful and sound delicious! I love chocolate. I made your red velvet cake and frosting for our Christmas dinner dessert, and it was a HUGE hit! I will definitely try these pops! Linda
    ps. I just scrolled through your Hidden Pony Lodge post--your decor is so peaceful. Those chairs are so inviting too.

  26. these look so lovely for a wedding...But I was taken with your fabulous is truly stunning...the pizza oven is the best!

  27. now I am visiting YOU! Love the white on beautiful! BTW, when you make the donuts, it is eaasier to pipe the donut "dough" using a pastry bag. :) i learned after the mess.

  28. Stunning! I made cake pops before too but they were more on the "cute" side for the kids. These are elegant and beautiful! Just gorgeous!

    I'm having the very first GIVEAWAY on my blog. Please stop by to submit an entry. Good Luck.

  29. Jacqueline, Thanks so much for linking these to Saturday Swap! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  30. I've made those oreo balls before and they are to die for, but mine did not look nearly as gorgeous as yours. What a beautiful presentation!

  31. WOWzer, what patience to make these - I am in awe. Lovely blog!

  32. These are so elegant and beautiful! What a wonderful idea and how nice of you to help create these for the bride. The cookie pop stand is beautiful also. Well done, Jacqueline!

  33. Simply beautiful and elegant! I love the way you displayed them. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe and how-to. These would be great for many occasions.

    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  34. What a beautiful display and I bet they taste good also.

  35. Clever idea and very pretty. Looks delicious.

  36. These are so pretty, Jacqueline! Thanks for the recipe....Christine

  37. Jacqueline, I love the way you served these! They look gorgeous, and I wanted a bite of one so badly. Your recipe doesn't sound too difficult. I'm going to give this a try. Thank you so much for linking this to Favorite Things. I love it! laurie

  38. That is so beautiful and delicious looking. What an amazing presentation.

  39. The snow is gorgeous and so are your cookie pops. The only difference is that I'm glad the snow is there and not here. Not so with the cookie pops. :)

  40. What a beautiful and clever idea. I really like this job!!! Bravo, well done!!!!

  41. Fantastic idea - the cookie pops look beautiful for the wedding.

  42. I love the way you have this presented! Beautiful!

  43. These look so magical, they almost don't seem real.

    - The Tablescaper

  44. Thanks so much for linking this up with Sweets for a Saturday. I truly appreciate your support. Hope to see you again next week. By then, I'll have a cute button that you can grab and add to your post.

  45. What a perfect way to celebrate winter. They sound easy to make and end up so gorgeous.

  46. These just make me happy looking at them. If I can't get any snow, I could make some snowball pops. The presentation is beautiful! Joni

  47. wow - your cake pops look amazing !

    Lovely to find your blog


  48. These are just stunning. Love the white on white look!

  49. Stunning! They look amazing and beautiful.


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