Monday, January 31, 2011

Raspberry Bread Pudding

Are you looking for a Valentine's Day dessert that is just
incredible?  This Raspberry Bread pudding will wow
your guests.

I am helping a friend redecorate her home.  While
out shopping for furniture we decided to head to lunch.

We went out to lunch at a local restaurant called Kneaders.
Their specialty is their European style breads.  One
of my favorite things is their Raspberry Bread Pudding.
We decided to get that and share it.  Of course I had to
have a bite of it first before the sandwich and salad.

They warm it and top it with an incredible cream sauce.
It was one of those moments that you roll your eyes
and just melt. 

Did you know that your palate is clean when you first
start a meal and that is why those first bites taste so
good?  That is why I love to order dessert for
an appetizer and share it with the whole table
  Just a bite or two of dessert
when your palate is clean and you are satisfied!

You know the saying, "Life is short, eat dessert first."
Mine must be "Your palate is clean, really taste the dessert,
so eat dessert first." (Or something like that!)

While we were all melting under the table my friend Rachel
and I both said we had a recipe that was supposedly their
recipe.  I got mine out of Tales Under Timp Cookbook.
Rachel decided to make it for a dinner party.

Yes, it tasted exactly like Kneader's Raspberry Bread Pudding.
And - it is so beautiful too.  Those red raspberries just
call out to be served up for Valentine's Day, or really any day.

Raspberry Bread Pudding Recipe

1 1/2 loaves aged or day old,  white bread (I like
to use a heavy type of bread, usually 1 lb. loaves
would be standard.)
1 qt. heavy cream
3 C. sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla

5 C. raspberries, fresh or frozen (hers were fresh)
1 C. sugar
1/2 C. apple juice

In a large bowl mix the cream, sugar, egg and vanilla. 
Cut bread into 1 1/2 inch cubes and add to cream mixture,
coating the bread well.  Let stand 30 minutes, stirring every
5 minutes to allow cream to absorb.

Mix the raspberries, sugar and apple juice, stirring
until sugar is dissolved.

Layer a 9x13 inch baking pan 3/4 full with the bread mix
and pour fruit filling over the bread mix, spreading evenly.
Top with the remaining bread.  Bake 40 minutes at 375.
Serve warm topped with vanilla cream sauce.
(If you want it to cut into nice squares you can chill
it and then cut it into squares, then microwave it
for 20-25 seconds per piece and top with sauce.)

Vanilla Cream Sauce
1 1/3 C. butter
5 T. flour
3 C. heavy cream
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 C. sugar

Melt butter in medium saucepan and add flour.  Stir
10 minutes until it has a nutty aroma, do not brown.  Add
salt, cream and sugar until mix is thick.  Remove from heat
and stir in vanilla.  Serve warm over the pudding.

Sit down and have some, hope you melt over every bite.

I will be posting this with


  1. What a lovely color for a dessert and that cream sauce looks so wonderfully thick and rich. Yummy.

  2. This looks so elegant and delicious! A PERFECT Valentines dessert!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This looks wonderful...I love raspberrie. I had lunch out last week and that is what we had for dessert...just plain bread pudding but the sauce was wonderful and I wondered how they made it...thank you for this recipe!

  5. and now I am melting! Perfect recipe for Valentines.. my Aunt B. was "hawking" my blog and told a food columnist of her local paper to check out granny mountain last week. She did and was very complementary but she saw your post on the Hog Burger and lo and behold, it appears here...
    networking has nothing on blogging!

  6. I am not a dessert person but you made this sound so scruptious that I am going to have to make it for Valentine's Day! Yummm. Thanks!!
    Ladybug Creek

  7. I LOVE bread pudding...and this one looks delish!! Thanks for sharing - I'm printing out the recipe now.

  8. This IS the perfect Valentine dessert! Sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing.


  9. Looks fantastic Jacqueline, so pretty for Valentine's Day! Stop by, I have a new party posted, should be fun:@)

  10. Delicious !!! darling....happy week !!! love Ria.......

  11. My palate is clean and I really think I need some of that bread pudding. It looks so delicious. Will have to give this a try real soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have been looking for a good raspberry recipe for my homemade french toast. Might have to use this fruit topping for that too!! Have a wonderful week. ~~Sherry~~

  12. Jacqueline, I am drooling on my keyboard. That looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe. laurie

  13. Jacqueline, I am drooling on my keyboard. That looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe. laurie

  14. ohhhhh yum! I happen to adore raspberries!

  15. Just perfect for Valentine's...
    Happy week to you!

  16. Ugh! I don't know if I could wait til Valentines Day for this one. Do I have to? My mom weighed like about 60 lbs and used to always eat dessert first. I asked the doctor about it when I got fat. He said if you NEED to (duh!) eat dessert, it is better to eat it first. Your body will burn the calories of the dessert digesting your remaining meal. Kinda cool.

  17. Thank God I'm not on diet! LOL

    Yes, I'm making it!!!! My husband is obsessed about raspberry and he'd love this! :-) Looooove in the air around here. ;-)

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: A House in Malibu.

  18. copied, pasted and put in a file. Now all I have to do is make it! Yum! Thanks for sharing.

  19. This looks absolutely rich and delicious, just to my liking! That cream sauce looks amazing. Dessert first(or a couple of bites)...I like that recommendation, and will definitely try it. You're full of great ideas, Jacqueline! Thanks, friend! :)

  20. My husband will love this..How pretty all in reds and cream..Perfect for February!

  21. I have had a taste for this since you shared it with me yesterday. YUMMY! Best bread pudding I have ever tasted. I will be making this SOON!

  22. I think I've died and gone to heaven. Raspberry bread pudding. Can life get any better than that? I am so going to try this out first.. and if the first bite is as scrumptious as you say, I'm sure I'll have to have another just to substantiate the first and so one and so one! Thanks so much for sharing

  23. I HAVE TO TRY THIS! I ADORE good bread pudding but, there is nothing worse than bad bread pudding. Also, LOVE raspberries so you hit a double score on this one for me! I go to a place in Dallas that puts chocolate chips in their bread pudding & too is YUMMY as the chips melt while cooking & they put a rum/burbon sauce on theirs. HUGS!

  24. Oh, wow, this sounds fantastic and looks beautiful. I'm grabbing a copy of this recipe to try. Thank you!

  25. Wow! This looks incredible - the texture and the colour - I'm definitely saving and trying this recipe. I'm impressed because it's a different option for V Day. Most people are offering up cookies and chocolate, which of course are nice, but I love variety.

  26. I am a huge fan of bread pudding! This is going to the top of the list ;o)

  27. This looks amazing! I'm going to bookmark it and mention it over the next 2 weeks before Valentines Day!

    I found you over at parade of foods where I posted my recipe (Chocolate Caramel Gooey Bars). You might also like to check out my Love Dare starting today going on till Feb 14th. Would you like to join? I'm now following your blog. Thank you.

    Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  28. Melt over each bite? I melted after each picture!

  29. Cream and cream and raspberries. This is such a delicious and decadent dessert -- just beautiful in the photos and better when you eat it. I have been with you when you have ordered dessert walk the talk -- LOL! Joni

  30. Wow! This looks absolutely awesome! I can't wait for the ice storm to pass so I can go get the ingredients!
    I LOVE your blog!

  31. It looks divine! Definitely want to try it! Thanks for sharing! Your pretty blog always makes me smile. Makes me feel as I am a guest in your home! Kerri

  32. Well, my keyboard is ruined due to my drooling. :-) This is really a beautiful dessert and I know it must be delicious! Thanks so much for sharing.


  33. looks so delicious and love the fact that it has red in it making it a perfect dessert for valentines

  34. I tell you what, I'd like to take a nose dive straight into a vat of that cream sauce. Wow... will be filing that one away.


  35. I'm actually not a bread pudding fan... however you may have swayed me to try it your way! Thanks!


  36. I could live on raspberries, but top them with cream sauce? Oh, I'm in heaven.

    I hope you'll stop by and share your recipe on Sweet Things Friday.

  37. Be still my beating heart! Bread pudding AND raspberries?! What a luscious combination. Thanks for the recipe.

  38. That is a gorgeous dessert! I love the look of the cream topping. Fabulous food photography and thanks for sharing the recipe! Yum!
    Blessings, Beth

  39. Found this on Google and I’m happy I did. Well written article.

  40. This looks good, I can't wait to try it! I wish my husband liked bread pudding :(
    I sent it to my children.

  41. Thinking about trying this for V-day. I LOVE Kneaders, and I've had this before there. I don't like bread pudding, but this was really yummy.

    One question: what do you mean by aged bread? Do we just leave it out for a day or two?

    Thanks for posting it!

  42. Yes, just use day old bread. Of course if you can't wait a day I don't think anyone will complain!!!

  43. I would love to make this recipe, but there isn't enough information.

    1 1/2 loaves aged or day old, white bread (I like to use a heavy type of bread)

    You need to specify the size loaves by weight or say how many cups of bread cubes. Otherwise, I have little chance of successfully duplicating your recipe on the first try. :-(

  44. I just tried this recipe yesterday after a family member "pinned" it on Pinterest. I love to cook, and even more importantly, bake. I have a blog of my own on which I post my latest adventures in the kitchen, so I'm always on the look-out for exciting new recipes. I have never been one for bread puddings, but this one is absolutely fantastic! I haven't tried Kneader's version yet, so I can't really compare the two, but this one is a home-run. As a side note, I used leftover french bread (1 1/2 16-oz. loaves). The top layer of bread cubes toasted perfectly and came out very buttery tasting. Thank you for such a fabulous recipe to add to my ever-growing collection!!

  45. do u stir and heat the berries, sugar, & juice over a saucepan or just stir in a bowl cold? u didn't specify?

  46. I just made this. I also have never made or tasted bread pudding. I am in heaven along with my company. Thanks for sharing. I do think the sauce recipe could be cut in half.

  47. This looks amazing! I will have to try it.

  48. I made this a couple of days ago, and the concept sounds great but it is INCREDIBLY HEAVY. In fact, I didn't realize how much cream (almost 2 quarts!) this recipe called for until after I started. The sauce was way too heavy, not very vanilla-y, and I felt took away from the bread pudding. Maybe a fresh whipped cream topping would offset the heaviness? All I know is that I felt ill. :(

  49. I made this a couple of days ago, and it was INCREDIBLY heavy. I didn't realize how much cream the recipe called for (Almost 2 quarts!) until I had already started. The raspberries are the best part, but I felt the sauce was just too rich and not vanilla-y enough. Maybe a fresh whipped topping would better "lighten up" the whole thing? I am all for desserts but I think even Paula Deen would say it's too much.

  50. Wow! It sounds delicious but then I noted there's almost 2 quarts of cream; 3 1/2 cups of sugar plus 1 1/3 cups of butter and think one serving has to be more than a whole day's worth of calories!


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