Sunday, January 16, 2011

Melinda's Hot Chocolate Cookies

A cup of hot chocolate smothered in fluffy whipped
cream and topped with chocolate shavings
what could be more perfect on a cold winter day?

Maybe Hot Chocolate Cookies in addition!

I love these adorable dessert plates! 
I am not one who is big on resolutions for the New Year.
Especially if those resolutions involve no sugar or
no treats.

These plates epitomize my motto
"I'd give up dessert...
but I'm no quitter."

I was over at Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesday.
If you have given up sugar and treats, don't go there,
I saw the post entitled Hot Chocolate Cookies.
Melinda at Blue Jeans and Cotton Tees had posted
this tempting recipe including hot chocolate mix
in the cookie batter.

It also had 3 kinds of chips, one cup of each!
Do you know that my mother used to put 1/2 C.
of chocolate chips in the whole batch?  I would
always search for the one with the most chips -
maybe 3!

Two days later I was making a batch.
I think this is my first baking since Christmas.

Ooohh, the house smelled delicious.

Crispy on the outside and soft and filled with chips
on the inside.  (I used Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa -
Milk Chocolate Marshmallow - so I even got little itty bitty
marshmallows in mine.)

Yep!  I'm not a quitter and I don't think you can be either
if you bake up a batch of these.  You will be addicted.
Thanks Melissa!  Go check out her adorable blog
and make some of her great cookies.

Hot Chocolate Cookie Recipe

1 C. (2 sticks) butter - at room temperature
1 C. white sugar
2/3 C. packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3 1/4 C. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 C. hot chocolate mix (or 4 - 1 oz. packets) - not sugar free
1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 C. white chocolate chips
1 C. milk chocolate chips
1 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Cream butter and sugars until smooth.  Beat in the
eggs and vanilla until combined.

In a separate bowl, combine flour,hot chocolate mix,
salt, and baking soda.  Add to wet ingredients slowly
making sure it is all incorporated.

Fold in all 3 kinds of chocolate chips.
(She says to chill the dough 1 hour, but I didn't need to.)
Scoop out on a greased or parchment lined cookie sheet.

Bake for 9-11 minutes.  Let the cookies cool slightly before
removing from the pans.  Cool on wire racks or eat them
"hot and gooey from the oven".

(Of course I followed that last instruction and had mine
hot and gooey from the oven.  I know the flavor
varies when they get cold so I plan on trying a room
temperature one really soon!)

Ok, I tried them both ways and hot from the oven
is the way to go.  My husband even popped the cold
ones back into the oven just long enough to melt the
chips again! 

I will be posting this with


  1. YUMMY!!! Your cookies look delicious. And I know everyone in my house would love them. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Great post and photos.

  2. What a fun idea, they look great Jacqueline! Lovin' your cute plates,gonna check out that blog:@)

  3. that looks like a great recipe. Cookies and hot chocolate sounds divine.

  4. Oh my....these sound soooo good! I will try them soon. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoy your recipes. :)


  5. I've never heard of this recipe..Thank you! Beautifully presented as always~:)

  6. Oh my....These cookies look delicious!

    I have been on Weight Watchers for several months, but this week I have been binging on anything and everything I see. I am about to lick my monitor! :o)

  7. These cookies sound wonderful. I am wishing I had one right now! Great pics. You are always cooking something great.

  8. "YUMMMMMY right down to the plate and Mug"!!! Love it all!!!

  9. These sound amazing. I am going to have to have these some time. Mmm.

  10. OMG! these look and sound amazing!!

  11. Ummmmm -- hot and gooey from the oven....they're the best!

  12. I love the saying! I'm so happy you are not a quitter and have shared this delicious recipe ;)

  13. yippee i can see and post on your blog again! your shabby blog background is the culprit with server issues, but looks like they have fixed things. all looks grand and delish here, treat for my hungry eyes :)

  14. Oh my goodness I have to have to have this!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE, and you almost had me licking the screen here with these pictures :-)

  15. These cookies sound divine. I think I'd love the little marshmallows.

  16. I'm no quitter either! These look delicious. I'll give them a try. My husband has been asking for CC cookies. Cute mug!

  17. Hmmmm, these are calling my name! I'm so glad you're not a quitter and keep us posted on all the goodies. :-)

    Have a wonder*filled week!

  18. Hmmmm, these are calling my name! I'm so glad you're not a quitter and keep us posted on all the goodies. :-)

    Have a wonder*filled week!

  19. These look so delicoius. Thick and chocolatey! I'm glad you are not a treat quitter :) Otherwise we wouldn't get this great recipe!

  20. They look so yummy! Thanks for the recipe. Your side plates are adorable.

  21. Owwwww...i wish i could taste them....oh la la la ....yammie !!......lovely week Ria....

  22. I'm bookmarking this for when my will power deserts me .... any day now :-( !!

    They would be worth breaking the diet for!!!

  23. Hi Jacqueline,

    You know, most of the time I just have to pass your blog by because I know I'd gain 20 pounds just looking at it. Well, theres no exception on this post, I stopped for a moment, and whammmmmo..........the poundage attached itself. Okay, maybe it was the crap I was munching on while looking at your blog.....chocolate covered caramel corn. I'd love to blame you, but I can't, however, I'll keep the option open in case anyone asks where I've picked up the extra weight from.....


  24. These look delicious! And I also love those dessert plates.

  25. I love hot chocolate so I can only imagine how delicious these will be!

  26. Jacqueline -- these cookies are really fun -- I haven't seen them before. Love the black and white dessert plates and I am NOT a quitter either. Joni

  27. Your cookies look so good! With a name like that, they're perfect for winter baking:)

  28. The Battle of the Bulge! Yep that's me! But, these would be worth falling off the wagon for. HUGS!

  29. Holy cow, these cookies look amazing! I absolutely will be making these! Thank you!

  30. These looks sooo good!!!!! I'm also in love with the antler chandelier too!

  31. I am drooling! I will definitely be making these. Thanks for the recipe. laurie

  32. Jacqueline, These cookies look fabulous. I think this recipe is a definite keeper! Love your photos too - magazine-worthy for sure; you do a great job!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  33. Hi lovely lady. You have maed my Day sweet lady. 100 Follower !!! Im jumping up and down with joy.
    Thanks so much !!!!!

  34. I'm no quitter either! :) Those cookies look delicious!

  35. Looks like I am baking tomorrow...

  36. I made these and they were delicious!! I took them to work and my boss couldn't stop eating them!!

  37. These look divine! Gotta try your recipe soon. Are they more to the chewy side or crunchy? Just curious.

    I'm having the very first GIVEAWAY on my blog. Please stop by to submit an entry. Good Luck.

  38. Oh wow..what a great idea on using a hot chocolate mix in these! bookmarking for sure!!!

  39. Oh, that sounds delicious! I will have to try them.

    Found you on Sweets for a Saturday!

  40. Hot chocolate in a COOKIE what a wonderful idea! These look delicious!!

  41. Cookies are my absolute downfall, and you can bet I'll be making these, maybe in a few minutes.

  42. Not only do your cookies look delicious, they conjur up such images of the warm and snuggling feeling that only hot cocoa can bring.

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  43. Thanks for linking these up to Sweets for a Saturday.


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