Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 12 Steps Chocoholic Program

Having been born in January, there is nothing
much to look forward to except maybe cold and
more cold (unless you run away), so imagine
my surprise when one day after my birthday, I
walked out to a snowy mail box ...
(I think it had to be about 12 steps!)

... and opening it, I found the best
birthmonth surprise -
yes - I am one of those who strongly believe in a
birthday, a birthweek and a birthmonth - especially
for a January birthday.  I love it when my friends
give me gifts way after my birthday and while
profusely apologizing I explain the birthmonth
philosophy to them.  They get a huge smile on their
face, and we both are happy.

Now there is a before and after 
(or boring to better)
 picture I would love to see more often!

Who wouldn't want to open their mailbox for
something like this.

My dear friend Pam has twin granddaughters who both have
complications and she has moved to be near her daughter and
help care for these darlings.  She and her husband fly back and
forth half way across the country to see each other while she
helps these tinies. 

Pam sent me these for my birthday.  She said she saw them and
thought of me.  Oh, I love you Pam!!!!

If you have read my profile, you know I love gourmet chocolates
and try to buy new varieties whenever I see them.  I had never
heard of these artisanal chocolates before.

Que magnifique!  These just took my breath away.  I am not
alone in my love for fine chocolates.  My husband was right
there by my side oohing and aahin!

I took my oldest son to New York after his freshman year at
college and we stopped in Godiva and bought a pound.  We
went right out of the store and sat on a bench and opened
them.  All the while he was grouching about never spending
that much money on candy.  Then - he tasted one and quickly
changed his mind - maybe fine chocolates were worth a little

These were just gorgeous.  My husband and I have a habit of
sharing each one so that neither of us misses a fabulous center.

Not only were they beautiful, but the flavors were so unique.
I can't stand a box of chocolates that all taste like hazelnuts.
Not that I don't love hazelnuts mind you, but I want more

This one looks like swirling snowflakes on a cold day.

You too can have your mailbox transformed
and filled with delight.
I found them on the web, just click here .

"We sculpt tiny pieces of chocolate perfection into miniature
works of art that look as exquisite as they taste."

I think that says it perfectly.

Not that I won't try every one, but I do love it when they
include a flavor guide. 

The fresh mango was AMAZING!

You probably never knew there really was PURPLE CHOCOLATE
out there did you?  Actually I came up with the name after Easter
last year when I made a large chocolate bunny and it bloomed
(meaning the cocoa butter rose to the surface and it wasn't
too pretty).  I coated it with purple lustre dust and thus the first
purple chocolate in my home was created.

Thanks Pam, they were divine.

The 12 steps chocoholic program....
Never be more than 12 steps from chocolate.
(Ok, my mailbox is probably more than 12 steps!)

Purple Chocolat Home
 will be focusing on chocolate
this next month in celebration of Valentine's Day.
Look forward to more decadent chocolate posts.

I will be sharing this (in spirit only as I don't share
chocolates all that well unless you are my hubby)


  1. How can you eat such "art". I have never seen candy like that. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I probably shouldn't tell you I live in Kansas City where he is based....although I'm not a hard core any kind of chocolate lover...I've driven by his store...but I have never been in....perhaps it's time to finally go in. I love those snowflake chocolates. Isn't it amazing how intricate he can get on a little piece of chocolate.

  3. Please sign me up for this 12 step program!!! What a beautiful gift Jacqueline, I'm sure you'll love every bite-enjoy:@)

  4. Oh my goodness! I'm not even a big fan of chocolate (I'm not sure what kind of repercussions that will have!) but these just caused me to have major cravings - that I will NOT be able to satisfy! Grr!

    So, so yummy!

  5. WOW, what a "Sweet Gift"... She truly is a Special Lady! They look TOO GOOD to eat...Well Almost! We have lots of little shops around here that are famous for their chocolate and some areas even SMELL like chocolate when you drive by(I think they do that on purpose)... Thank you for sharing those incredible treats with us...
    Hugs to you,

  6. Those are just so pretty! What a thoughtful friend to remember you in such a special way. Happy Birthmonth to you! I hope that you enjoy it!

  7. You mean you won't even save a little bitty one for me? Those are the prettiest chocolates ever -- they look like they came straight from Paris! I like your idea of a 12 step plan. Joni

  8. Good heavens I was so thinking about the chocolates that I didn't wish you a Happy Birthmonth!!!!! It should indeed last for weeks!

  9. Yum! They look divine!

  10. That box is chocolate is beyond wonderful looking....it's making my mouth water...where's the drool cloth? OMGosh..what a lovely gift fora lovely lady that adores chocolate. Perfect!
    xoso Sandy O

  11. Happy Birthmonth Jacqueline! My Birthday, our Engagement Anniversary and Valentine's Day all fall within 5 days of one another so we celebrate something called "Lisa Week"! It certainly helps with the Winter Blues! Now, if I found one of these exquisite boxes of chocolate in my mailbox, well, that would take the celebrations to a whole new level! They look gorgeous! I'm going to go and peruse the site! Life is like a box of Chocolates ... Enjoy!

  12. As one who shares a January birthday I whole heartedly promote month long celebrations. It's been a week since my real birthday, but still celebrating with dinners and lunches with friends. Getting old does have a few benefits. Love the 12 step program. Sign me up! ~ Sarah

  13. Happy Birthmonth! Gorgeous chocolates. :)

  14. Your are a very lucky/smart lady to get so much mileage out of your birthday!
    What a sweet friend to send you such artful delicacies!
    Happy birthmonth,

  15. They are truly exquisite! The cappuccino is calling my name :). Such a thoughtful gift.


  16. Happy Birthmonth! Those chocolates look ever so delicious.
    Joyce M

  17. Now those are some fancy schmancy chocolates! I like your definition of the 12-step program, Jacqueline:)Your husband was probably one happy guy!

  18. I'm a chocolat addict :).When I see these pictures yummyyyyyyyy. I always tell my friends when you want to give me a present buy chocolat for me that makes me happy. I'm living in Belgium we have the most famous chocolat here and really this chocolat is the best I know that for sure lol!!!
    Enjoyd eating those chocolates.
    Greetings from Belgium,

  19. I too am a chocoholic, and I must say I wish it was me who received that box of chocolates :-) They look absolutely amazing!!!! And so taaaaastyyyy.... *drool*

    OK, well happy birthday :-)

    And hope you enjoyed your amazing chocolates! Oh and what a great philiosophy! "Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate" ? :-) Me likes very much :D


    The Creative Muslimah

  20. Happy birth month. Glad you hesitated to take pictures before you started digging in! Lovely chocolates for sure.

  21. Where in the wedding vows does it say you have to share your chocolate stash?

    Happy Birthmonth! Thos chocolates look decadent. La

  22. What a sweet friend. And the chocolates look amazing. My birthday is also in January, in fact it was on Monday. Most years I hear this "Sorry I forgot your birthday, or didn't get you anything because I am still getting over the shock of Christmas" But this year my BFF went all out as well as other friends and family members,so I know what you mean when you say there is usually not much to look forward to. But you are such a sweetie I am sure Pam had a great time picking out that chocolate for you.
    Happy Birthday,

  23. These look so scrummy...wish I could access them in South Africa...it is such a lovely thought from your friend! But then, you are a real honey...no wonder you were thoroughly spoilt!

  24. What a lovely friend to send you something so special! The fact that you and your husband share each piece is nothing short of wonderful. These chocolates are beautiful...thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your chocolate posts. I am a January baby too.


  25. How very beautiful! And caramel with butter and mango? Dear heavens, I salivated reading that!

  26. Whoo Hoo!...I am a chocoholic!..and Happy Birthmonth!..what an awesome gift, and sooooo beautiful, I would hate to eat, nah, I'd eat everyone!
    I am visiting from OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY, and a new follower,from LazyonLoblolly, please visit anytime.

  27. Oh my...that was the most beautiful box of chocolates! I hope they tasted as good as they look...Happy Birthmonth tp you...I am also a January baby!

  28. They are like jewels in a box. Yummy.

  29. Happy Birthday!. Those chocolate look fantastic. What a great gift!

  30. Jacqueline, Thanks for introducing me to the world of fine chocolates. I didn't know such a thing existed! I am a dark chocolate fan and am always buying dark chocolate bars to try and see which is tastiest - they say dark chocolate and red wine are good for your heart, and there is a divine flavor when you have a melty piece of chocolate on your tongue and take a sip of wine.
    Hugs, Beth

  31. I know you think I'm weird but I never eat candy...in fact, I never think about it. I could go the rest of my life without it and not miss it. Now ~ ~ if only I could do that with cakes, pies, cookies, etc. :-) These chocolates are simply gorgeous! I would have to try the mango for sure.

    You are so deserving and I'm glad that you received these for your birthday. I so agree with the birthday month philosopy. Mine is Dec 1st so I begin the celebration at Thanksgiving and it goes through New Year's Eve. Don't you think that is appropriate? :-)

    Have a great week!

  32. I am a firm believer in the birthday celebration month and have been for years (and my birthday is in June). Those chocolates are just gorgeous and fit right in with the "nothing but the best" guidelines for the birthday month.

    Have a great weekend.


  33. omg! I'm having a moment and I'm loving it. Thats awesome. Happy Belated birthday. You deserve it!!! I would love to get something like that in the mail : D


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