Monday, December 20, 2010

Symphony Fudge

Fudge is one of those holiday traditions that
just makes your mouth water.

This fabulous fudge is our family's favorite - not too
sweet, little bits of toffee crunch and the best part -
very easy to make.

It only improves with time - ripens - and gets creamier
and creamier. 

If you still need a last minute gift or want to create another
treat for the family, you might try this one.

Package it up with some pretty paper and you
 have a wonderful gift.

Symphony Fudge Recipe

2 C. half and half
4 C. sugar
1 C. butter - room temperature
24 oz. Symphony Candy bar with toffee

In 5 quart heavy saucepan, heat the half and half and sugar
and bring to a boil.  Stir well.  Cover with lid to let the sides
steam for about 2 minutes.  Be careful that it doesn't boil
over.  Continue heating and stirring until the mixture reaches
238 degrees.
Water should boil at 212 degrees.  That works if you live
at sea level.  Some don't, so boil a pan of water and see
what temperature it is at a rolling boil.  Mine is about 200,
so I need to subtract 12 degrees off of the 238.  If you don't
calibrate and your thermometer is off, you candy will never
turn out.

When it reaches 238, place the 2 cubes of butter in the
hot mixture and let sit undisturbed while the butter melts.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl break up the 24 oz. of candy
bar.  When the butter has melted pour the sugar mixture
over the candy bars.  Stir the mix with a spoon until the
chocolate is melted. 

Pour into a greased or parchment lined 9x13 inch pan.
Let cool.  Sometimes the mixture will appear greasy
at first, once it cools for a couple of hours in the fridge
that disappears.  Cut it into squares while it is cold
with a knife that has been dipped in hot water and
wiped off.


Just look at that bowl filled with Symphony candy
bars - try not to eat too much of it!

For a special presentation, put individual pieces into
foil cups.

I will be bringing this fudge to


  1. O MY LORDY...this looks and sounds so so good. I have made most of the Christmas candy but not the fudge. I am going to make YOUR fudge this year. It just makes my mouth water.
    Thanks bunches for the recipe.
    I love your photos of it, too.
    Merriest Christmas...
    xo bj

  2. Looks fabulous! You're tempting me! Haven't eaten or made fudge in years...

  3. The fudge looks fabulous! Yesterday I made my Mom's recipe and couldn't find my candy thermometer...I used a meat thermometer and you can guess I had disasterous results. The whole 3 lb. batch ruined. I was tweaked for a big part of the day! I'll try this recipe, but NOT until I buy another candy thermometer and check that it registers correctly!Good advice Jackie, experience is the best teacher!

  4. Who doesn't love a Symphony bar - love that you made fudge with one!


  5. I've never tried a symphony bar.. sounds decadent.thanks so much for the recipe.

  6. Looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing a great recipe!

  7. Your fudge is definitely gift worthy. It look delicious and would be gone in no time in my home. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  8. This fudge looks delish! I made some fudge last night and mine doesnt look as fancy or as good as yours!

  9. I've never made fudge, but I want to try sometime soon . . . maybe next Christmas. =) It looks so pretty in the red paper!

  10. Oh my goodness, that looks wonderful! I'm so glad it's on my computer screen and not in front of me, though :) I would be so tempted so eat them all!

  11. Oh boy, does that fudge look good, Jacqueline! Very tempting!

  12. That really looks good! I can't believe I forgot to make fudge this year. I wish these recipes were on a little earlier to jog my memory!

  13. Oh boy this really does sound easy and delicious.


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