Monday, December 6, 2010

Brown Sugar Baked Brie en Croute

Holiday entertaining always calls for appetizers.

One of my favorite parts of the holidays is spending time with
family and friends.  An easy party we have enjoyed is a mix of
appetizers and desserts.

This recipe comes from my friend Ann and is the best
brie en croute that I have had.  Flaky golden crust,
soft melted cheese and crunchy brown sugar and nut
filling makes an amazing appetizer.

Use a 1 1/2 lb. brie.  (Costco's is perfect and a great
price.)  Remove the rind with a sharp knife and slice it
in half horizontally.

Place the brie on puff pastry rolled into a circle and top
with the brown sugar mix.

Gather pastry up into a purse, tie with kitchen string
and brush with beaten egg.  Decorate with leaves
cut from extra dough.

Sugared pears and grapes make a nice accompaniment.
Mix up powdered egg whites with water according to
package directions.  Brush on clean fruit with a pastry
brush.  Sprinkle on sugar and let dry.

Brown Sugar Baked Brie en Croute

1 1/2 lb. wheel of brie (peeled and split horizontally)
1 pkg. puff pastry
1 egg, beaten
1/2 C. chopped, toasted pecans
3/4 C. brown sugar
3/4 C. dried cherries, craisins or other dried fruit

Let the frozen puff pastry dough thaw on the counter
for about 30 minutes.  Unfold them and use the
egg to help seal the two pieces together. 

Mix the pecans, brown sugar and fruit together.

Flour the counter and roll the pastry out in a circle
so that it is big enough to cover the brie and wrap it
up and around it.  Trim.  Place one piece of brie
in the center of dough. Top with half the brown
sugar mix.  Place the remaining piece of brie on
top and place the remaining brown sugar on.

Brush egg on the dough and brie.  Bring the dough
up and gather into a purse.  Be careful to not tear the
dough or the cheese will melt and flow out.  Twist
the top into a purse.  Seal well.  (I would tie it with a
little kitchen string.)  Use remaining dough to cut
decorations.  Use the egg to secure the decorations.
Brush entire purse with egg.

Bake at 350 for 35 minutes or until brown.  Serve with
crackers and sugared fruit.

I am posting this with Joni (my sister) at
Red Couch Recipes for her

It is truly a wonderful life.  Yesterday at church a
woman a few years older than me shared her
Christmas Miracle.  She was found with a tumor
a few weeks ago.  The doctor told her she probably
had 5 to 10 days to live. She got a second opinion
and this doctor agreed. 

She went home and laid in her bed and began
to ponder her future.  She looked at her TV and
thought that she wouldn't be needing that.  She saw
her computer and thought she wouldn't be needing
that either.  She went around the room thinking
the same.  She even thought to herself that she wouldn't
have to deal with a few annoying people that she
knew.  She called her husband up and shared
her insights (trying to be positive about her future).

He began to cry and told her that he didn't want
her to leave.  Later she had a dream and she
saw herself in the backyard by the roses with
her husband and they were smiling.  She decided
she needed to focus on living.  She began praying for the
blessing of life.  The doctor could not
biopsy the tumor for 12 days, so she wondered
if she would even make it to the surgery.

She made it to the surgery and when she woke up
the doctor wanted to know if they had left the country,
if they had tried some Chinese herbs, etc.  When he
was performing the surgery he could no longer find
the tumor!  He now had to explain on the insurance
forms why he had performed this expensive surgery.
She had been blessed with an amazing miracle.

May you experience miracles during the time when
we celebrate the greatest miracle, the birth of
Jesus Christ who came to the earth as a newborn
babe to save us all.



  1. Yes, this is wonderful! I have made it several times, and am serving it on Saturday at our holiday dinner party. Love the sugared fruit idea too.

  2. We are having a wine and cheese party in January.. this will be perfect.. thank you so much for sharing.. i might have to make one before then just to try it out.. it's scrumptious looking! Be blessed.

  3. Oh what story:) A TRUE miracle.. and your baked brie is something we love:)

  4. An awesome testimony! Thank God for His healing power!
    The dessert is gorgeously delicious looking!

  5. Jacqueline, I've never used the brown sugar before. I'll need to try this. We are fans of baked brie. This sounds delicious! ~ Sarah

  6. What a miraculous story; thanks for sharing!
    This appetizer looks amazing! I've had a similar recipe that I've never made, but now I think I'll skip it and try this instead:)

  7. I never leave Costco without a wheel of Brie (unless I still have some in the fridge, of course).

    I don't believe I've ever seen a recipe calling for brown sugar, but I trust your judgment when you say this is the best brie en croute you've ever had. I will definitely be giving this recipe a try. Thanks so much for sharing it.


  8. PS - What a wonderful story. I have a friend who's doctor's thought she had a terminal illness, only to find out later she didn't. The time when she thought she did really helped to put thing into perspective for her. Looking back, I'm sure she wouldn't wish the experience on anyone, but maybe it wouldn't hurt for us to experience something similar, so we can truly be thankful to our creator for all his blessings that we take for granted.

  9. Miracles happen every day, thanks for sharing the wonderful story and the delicious recipe! The sugared pears would be a perfect combination with the brie.

  10. I haven't ever tried that..It looks so good. And I swoon over anything with brown sugar pretty much.
    I loved the miracle story about the women from church. Miracles happen all around us.

  11. What a beautiful baked brie, Jacqueline, and your sugar-coated fruit is gorgeous too.

    What an inspirational story!

  12. The brie en croute looks amazing. What a great looking appetizer.
    And, thank you for that heart-warming story. God really does bless us with some amazing miracles.

  13. What a wonderful story! God is amazing and He is in control!
    Your brie looks just fabulous. You and Joni seem to share the cooking gene. :-)
    Blessings, Beth

  14. Miracles do happen! :)
    Your Brie is fabulous- it's one of my favorite cheeses!

  15. Jacqueline! What a wonderful story! God bless her and you for sharing! My heart is singing with JOY this morning!
    This recipe is going to be added to my party fare for this weekend! Marvelous!
    Thank you,

  16. This is always such a lovely treat. Your version of it really sounds wonderful. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  17. wow, wow, wow...this looks amazing! I have a huge craving for it!

  18. Hello! I DID make this wonderful Baked Brie and it was a hit at our party Saturday night! I just posted about it and linked back to your blog! Thanks again,

  19. Hi Jacqueline

    I just LOVE baked brie and this one looks amazing!!

    My sister's and I just started a themed Sunday Sharing recipe blog hop at our blog and this weeks theme is Appetizers! We would love it if you would come by and share this or any of your yummy appetizer recipes.



Your comments are the highlight of my day! Leave a comment and then I can come and visit your blog. Have a wonderful day! Unfortunately I have had to block anonymous comments, hope you understand.