Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fall Leaves or Christmas Poinsettias?

I like so many of you bloggers am anxious to
get going on Christmas.  I have to admit that
I put my tree up before we left for Cabo for
Thanksgiving.  I like to come home to some of
it done.  Growing up Mom didn't do a lot of
decorating and we didn't do the tree until a week
before Christmas as they left it up until my
birthday in January, two weeks after Christmas.
I like to get it up right after Thanksgiving so it
will be a busy week when we get home.

This post is a great transition from  Fall
to Christmas as the colors just scream Christmas.

Mother Nature is such a fabulous decorator!

I am helping a friend do some redecorating.  As I
walked up to her house, I couldn't believe the gorgeous
color of these leaves littering the ground and the bushes.
I don't think I had ever seen such crimson leaves.
Good thing I had my camera with me.
The red of these leaves after a rain were absolutely stunning.

The red against the green was breathtaking.  It almost looked like
a poinsettia bush.

The gorgeous shade of red covered the walkway.

Two trees flank her walkway.  They had spread their fabulous
bounty on both sides and across your path.
This is Fall in all of her splendor transitioning into Winter.

There were still plenty of leaves in the trees too.

I loved the rain all over the leaves.  It just accented the leaves like
Mother Nature's jewels.

More jewels dangled from this branch.

(I played around with this one with a photo program.)

One perfect raindrop ready to fall.  Enjoy the jewels of
beautiful Mother Nature.

Now she has moved on to the beautiful crystals of snow!  Fall doesn't last long enough.

I will be posting this on Seasonal Sundays.
I will also be posting on Outdoor Wednesdays.


  1. I think I recognize those leaves...

  2. Your photography is fabulous! How was Cabo? I was there two year ago and loved it - but I know a few hurricanes have visited since then.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Great shots Jacqueline, welcome back! Lovin' the drops:@)

  4. Fantastic photos!

    I love Christmas too - I'm following you now, because I'm looking forward to your Christmas posts!!

  5. what pretty pictures. makes for the season. Loving your blog and all the reading I have to do to catch up to where you are now. Thanks for stopping by Enjoy Country Living

  6. Hi Jaqueline, What beautiful pictures. I especially love the one with the drip suspended off of the beautiful red leaf. Fantastic pictures. *hugs*

  7. Jacqueline, I'm certainly glad you had your camera with you. These photos are amazing! I don't think I've ever seen such brilliant red in leaves. Thanks for sharing your shots. ~ sarah

  8. Hi Jacqueline~
    Your pictures are absolutely amazing!! Wow! Don't you love the beauty that we have around us. Thank you for sharing that with us.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  9. Jacqueline, Your pictures of the Japanese Maple are stunning. I love the raindrops that you captured. Great photography. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.

  10. those are so beautiful LOVE the color. Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. What a beautiful carpet of red and so pretty against the green!

  12. Stunning colour! I need to remember to bring my camera with me more often!

  13. Are they Japanese red maple leaves, Jacqueline? I love that tree, we have three of them and they become gorgeous reds in the fall. Your photos are fabulous!...Christine

  14. Beautiful post and love the leaves! Hugs Marilou

  15. Absolutely beautiful leaves - I love seeing the colorful ground this time of year,

  16. Oh my, those leaves are gorgeous, it's like your own private red carpet ;-) Happy Sunday.

  17. Your friend certainly put them out for you ;-). They are beautiful, what a gift to get to see them through your lens. We are blessed that you had your camera.

  18. Hi Jacqueline...those pictures are so lovely... i love the brilliant red of poinsettias...

  19. How beautifully you captured such a gorgeous scene! Nature really is so inspiring, and once in a while it just gets in your face! Beautiful! The other Jacqueline

  20. Yes, Mother Nature is the best decorator. Sometimes she goes a bit over board here in the winter with the snow though! :)
    No decos up yet, here. I spent a few hours going through the bins in the basement though. Exhausting!

  21. Jacqueline, Your photos are absolutely stunning! You really captured some beauty and you are right that it is a good transition from fall to Christmas.
    Hugs, Beth

  22. WOW, stunning is right! So gorgeous! You have a some award-winning photos here!

  23. Absolutely STUNNING photos of Mother Nature at her best!

  24. I want one of those trees! So beautiful. :)

  25. Beautiful fotos!
    Thanks for nice comment on my blog.

  26. So beautiful! We rush along and miss out on moments like this. God provides so many gorgeous things for us to soak in and enjoy!

  27. So beautiful! We rush along and miss out on moments like this. God provides so many gorgeous things for us to soak in and enjoy!

  28. Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for leaving nice comment on my blog.

  29. My Dear Jacqueline,

    This is outstanding. Wow... it's almost unreal. That's why it's so important for us to always stop and take a real good look around us, because God keeps giving rare gifts to us daily and many times we're way too busy with things that aren't really important and we forget to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

    Thank you for making us appreciate this gift today.


    Luciane at

  30. My Dear Jacqueline,

    This is outstanding. Wow... it's almost unreal. That's why it's so important for us to always stop and take a real good look around us, because God keeps giving rare gifts to us daily and many times we're way too busy with things that aren't really important and we forget to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

    Thank you for making us appreciate this gift today.


    Luciane at

  31. Such glorious photos. They almost don't seem real. Thank you so much for participating in Seasonal Sundays! I'm glad to be part of your celebration of the season.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. Amazing photos. I think these may be my favorite pictures you have ever taken. The colors and the droplets of water. Wow!


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