Monday, July 12, 2010

Double Whammy Root Beer Float With Homemade Rootbeer Ice Cream

How many ice creams can one make?
Endless I think.

Root beer ice cream - who would have thought?

My friend Sharon gave me this recipe years ago.
What could be better?
Maybe a root beer float made with it.
Two great treats together.
Did you say you wanted one scoop or two?

I think I will take two, and in a frosty mug too.

And would you mind pouring the root beer in first.  It
helps keep it from overflowing.


That looks perfect.

Excuse me for a second.  I have a culinary emergency
on my hands.

Much better. I guess it still can overflow.  Nothing that
a few quick slurps can't cure.

And now for the recipe.

Root Beer Flavored Ice Cream

2 T. root beer extract
2 1/2 C. sugar
2 C. whipping cream
2 c. milk

Mix all of the above and pour into your preferred ice
cream freezer.

Click here to read my earlier post praising the
2 Quart Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker.

When the ice cream is done processing, transfer it into
a container that you have placed in the freezer for
at least 15 minutes.  Let harden or ripen for 2-3
hours, especially if you are going to make floats
with it.

Or just enjoy it as it is.

Did you say one or two scoops, I can't remember.

Have a refreshing summer.

I will be posting this on Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays and


  1. Yummy! We're having an icecream social at the home of friends of ours in about a month. I need to find an icecream maker to borrow before them so I can make this! :) (If I bought one, we'd both weigh 500#!)

  2. Oooh I love ice cream! And yes... the peanut butter cookies only calls for those three ingredients. I was doubtful myself before trying them!

  3. Fantastic photos! I haven't had a float since I was a kid! It sounds delighful though! Nice summer treat, thanks!

  4. Looks wonderful! I have the same ice cream maker; isn't it great?

    Where do you purchase root beer extract?

  5. Looks great! I've never had root beer ice cream, and I'm thinking I really need to get an ice cream maker!

  6. ooh yummy thanks for sharing!

  7. Ohmygoodnessgracious! I licked my computer monitor when the root beer over flowed. OOPS! Looks great and I am sure the ice cream is divine!

  8. Oh, wow! I love root beer floats and that root beer ice cream with it sounds divine!

  9. Jacqueline, I am definitely trying the rootbeer ice cream. Don't you just love a recipe for ice cream that you can just throw into the maker. My 2 quart Cuisinart Maker just came in the mail today and the canister is the freezer! Joni

  10. Hello Jacqueline (love that name)~ I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek around. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.We share similar tastes for so many of the same creative design elements.

    It's wonderful how inspiring blog friends as yourself can be, that's why I love returning the gesture and with summer in our midst it's sure to prompt some creative juices.

    I just purchased a Cuisinart ice creamer. This recipe is ideal for it's first churn. The perfect summer treat!

    I've bookmarked you in my faves.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  11. I can't wait to try that Root Beer Ice Cream, I have a house full of root beer lovers. Thanks

  12. Could you send one to Texas, please? :) That looks delicious!

  13. Root Beer ice doesn't get any better than this!!

  14. What a cute post. We have very fond memories of root beer floats around here. My father makes them every year when he visits. My MIL tried to make them for the kids once, using all the same brands of ingredients, but the kids told her they just weren't the same. He'll be here in a week, so I have to stock up on the necessary items - the floats are mandatory.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Easy recipe and one that I will try for sure. I have fond memories of going to Stewart's Root Beer every year the day before school started with my son and ordering the largest root beer floats on the menu. It was a fun tradition. Thanks for the memories as it made me smile.

  17. Thanks for letting me know about where to get root beer extract. It looks as though my grocery store doesn't carry it, but I'll try another store. Thanks again!

  18. I love root beer floats but I have to say that I am a preferred A & W customer!


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