Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Tote 40 and a Giveaway

Welcome to the Tales of the Traveling Totes 
40th post. 
(Wow, the big 40!)
 We are so glad to have you visit.  
A group of the most fun ladies take 
their MacKenzie-Childs totes 
all over the place and share their 
adventures quarterly.  

Also welcome to 
Purple Chocolat Home's new home.
It was a long journey, but we are now in 
and settled and Miss Madi K and I want 
to share our first photos with you.  

We moved in on December 8th 
with just enough time to set up 
a tree and do a little decorating. 

With traveling a lot during the 
cold winter months, it has taken 
some time to work on getting 
all settled in.  In addition we were 
getting our old house ready to sell.  

Hooray, it sold, even with the market 
the way it is!!

We have spent all spring 
and summer working on the 
back yard.  It still isn't done yet!

We were making progress and 
then we had a 100 year hail 
and rain storm and that set 
us back a bit with erosion, 
but the house was OK.

It was like a snowstorm with 
all of the hail.  The gardens 
are all shredded and fruit 
destroyed.  Our lower property
was flooded, but the house was 
fine.  Many houses were like a 
river running through their 
basements, so we feel blessed.   

Miss Madi K and I are going 
to start the home tour with 
one of my favorite rooms 
(wait, they are all my favorites - 
we spent several years designing 
the plans). 

This is the Orangerie - the French 
would bring their tropical plants 
into their orangeries during the 
winter.  We put in a sink and 
a drain in the floor.  

This piece you may recognize
from my old house.  We loved 
it and wanted to keep it, so 
we added a small sink so that 
watering plants would be easy.  
I can store vases and things 

It has its 
own heating and cooling 
system to keep the plants alive.  

I knew from the very beginning 
that I wanted it to be an entertaining 
space and to have a 
Modern French feel.  
Two amber chandeliers 
and beams add to the 
French flair.  We anchored
the one end with a gorgeous

Miss Madi K and I set out 
to decorate the room for 
it's first party - 
A Mad Hatter Tea Party.

It was so much fun entertaining 
in the Orangerie.  I will give 
more details on our tea party 

Thanks for visiting, now hop 
on over and visit our other 
ladies of the 
Tales of the Traveling Tote.
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)
 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Bookish Dilettante

Visit Jenna's blog for a 

chance at this fabulous tote.

I always wish I could win these 

fun giveaways!!!

See you on December 1st for another adventure.

Monday, August 26, 2024

It's Pizza Night - Deep Dish Chicago Pizza

You know us - we LOVE pizza.  
We love it so much we built a 
pizza oven in our last house, 
our daughter built one in her house, 
we built one in our new house,
our other daughter got a 
Pizza Craft pizza oven she 
uses in her garage, and my 
son started 
Friday Night Pizza Nights 
at his house.
He uses a pizza steel.  

That son and his wife just had 
a new baby this summer, and 
he had mentioned he wanted 
a deep dish Chicago style pizza. 
I had given him my mom's 
deep dish pizza pan, but he 
said it was too big for their 
family, so I decided to find a 
recipe and try it.  

I had never had this style of 
pizza before.  I grew up in 
Wisconsin, just a few hours 
from Chicago, and the Chicago 
style pizza we had wasn't 
like this.  

The secret to this is the dough.
It has butter in the dough and then 
you laminate it with butter.  

Don't be intimidated by the 
lamination, it is a lot easier 
than making croissants. 

The recipe made two so 
we were able to eat one 
and his family had one.  

Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza Crust

3 1/4. C. flour
1/2 C. cornmeal
1 tsp. salt
1 T. sugar
1 T. yeast
1 1/4 C. warm water
1/4 C. melted butter
1/4 C. softened butter

Mix everything but the 
softened butter in your mixer 
using a dough hook for around 
5 minutes.  Let it rise covered 
in a greased bowl for one hour 
or until doubled. 

Punch dough down and roll out 
like you are making cinnamon rolls, 
into about a 15x12 inch rectangle,
and spread the softened butter 
on the dough.  

Roll the dough up lengthwise 
and then cut the dough in half.  
Form each half into a ball.  

Place the balls in your greased 
bowl, cover and let rise in 
fridge for about an hour.

See, that was so easy!  
You want the butter to firm
up so that the dough has 
buttery layers when it is baked. 

Spread each dough ball into 
a 9 inch springform pan, 
pushing it up the sides.  You 
want the dough to encase all 
of the wonderful fillings. 

Layer provolone cheese on 
the bottom of the dough in the 
pan, then top with 2 C. grated 
mozzarella, cooked 
Italian sausage, and 
your favorite pizza or spaghetti 
sauce.  You want the sauce thick, 
so if you use a prepared sauce, 
cook it down a bit.  Finish 
with grated parmesan.  

Bake at 425 for about 
30 minutes.  You want the 
cheese all melted through.  

Let cool for a few minutes 
and then unmold.  

You will love this pizza. 
They liked it so much they had 
it for breakfast the next day.

That crust - amazing!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility Lawn Party

Our Craft Group had another 
fabulous Jane Austen party 
this time featuring 
Sense and Sensibility, 
hosted by the wonderful 
Karen/Mrs. Dashwood. 

(I have the very best of friends!)

You can see the gazebo in 
the background, decked with 
British flags.  We dined there 
last year, but this year she 
asked her husband to create 
another spot to dine for us - 
wow, what a great guy!

Then opposite of that, she 
had constructed this amazing
serving table.  
We dined on a cold soup, 
finger sandwiches, eclairs, 
scones and tarts.

The table was set beautifully 
with her mother's china.

We had fresh flowers and 
candles everywhere.

The bouquets on the backs 
of the chairs held our 

We have been looking forward 
to this party all summer.  

All we had to do was 
to get dressed up for 
the event.  

Alas, my lady's maid 
didn't show up, so I had 
to dress myself and do my 
own hair! 

The cook didn't show either, 
so I had to make the scones 
for the party.  What is a woman 
to do these days?!!

Mrs. Dashwood created 
beautiful Charcuterie Cups 
for us to start the meal.

Details, details everywhere.

Edward Ferrars even arrived 
bringing gifts, and did a reading 
for us.  The gifts were aprons 
that Mrs. Dashwood had 
sewn for us. 

But if all of this wasn't enough - 

We were able to make 
mussie tussies from her flowers,

and Natalie gifted us each 
a pearl necklace with our 
initials and a crown jewelry 
holder.  (So spoiled!)

The evening was nothing but magical.

(Bottom second from right, 
the lovely Mrs. Dashwood 
and her husband/Edward.) 

We are already looking forward 
to next year's Jane Austen Party.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Crumbl Copycat French Silk Pie Cookies

I don't know if you have 
Crumbl Cookies where 
you are, but they started 
here in Utah.  We go there 
often to try the new flavors
for the week. 

This French Silk Cookie 
has been my hands down 
favorite since they opened, 
but you can't always get them.  
Now, I can make them, or 
at least a great version 
of them, whenever I want.

It starts with a melt in your 
mouth deep chocolate cookie
and is topped with a light 
French Silk mousse, then 
whipped cream and 
chocolate curls. 

French Silk Pie in 
a cookie form - what is 
not to love!

After baking, use a 1/2 C. 
measuring cup and press 
down on the baked cookie 
to give it an indentation 
for the French Silk to sit.  

Let the cookies cool 
completely and then 
top with the mousse 
and then the whipped cream.

I honestly have never 
been able to make great 
chocolate curls, but 
the Lindt Milk bar made 
it so, so easy. 

I made a variation of the 
recipe from 

This recipe is so amazing.  
The only thing I changed
was using a 1/2 C. measuring 
cup for the indentation and 
I omitted the semisweet 
chocolate chips in the mousse.

Visit her site for the full recipe.  
You won't have to wait 
for Crumbl's
French Silk Pie Cookies 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Tote #39 and a Giveaway

Welcome to our June 2024 edition 
of Tales of the Traveling Tote.  

We started off in Cabo for the 
solar eclipse on April 8th.  It 
was almost a total eclipse.

Miss Petit Four was vacationing 
in Cabo with us and was lucky 
enough to experience the eclipse.  

The pull of the moon affects the 
tides, and with the eclipse happening, 
the beach was completely gone and 
the water was up in the chairs 
at the restaurant we went to. 

The Office is our favorite 
spot for breakfast and we 
went there 
that morning. I 
happened to bring my package 
of ten eclipse glasses with me 
and shared them with the 
waiters!  They were so excited.

Then we went back to the house
to view the full eclipse.  

The next day I got to meet 
Linda Primmer, who was one 
of the ladies who invited me 
into the Tales of the Traveling Tote 
group!  This was the first lady of 
our group that I got to meet in 
person. It was such a thrill for me, 
that I got emotional when I 
first saw Linda. 

 Linda and I have always 
called ourselves "Soul Sister", 
because we love the same style.  

We met up with them at their 
resort and when we went to the 
desk, the person there asked if 
we were sisters!!!  We LOVED that!!!

After touring their resort, we went back 
to our home and took a tour of it.  

Then the four of us headed 
to the Waldorf Astoria 
for dinner to celebrate 
Linda and Paul's 25th 
wedding anniversary.  

Our totes were so happy to be 
there to celebrate with them.

The resort happened to have fireworks
that night right behind our backs, 
and even the waiter teased us 
that the fireworks were just to 
celebrate their anniversary. 

After a delicious dinner of 
watermelon salad, empanadas, 
and lobster they were treated 
to a delicious dessert.  
Linda and Paul were so charming 
and lovely.  We had such a great time 
meeting them and celebrating 
with them.  

We were home a week and then 
off to San Antonio to visit my 
sister Jean.  

I had loved seeing Sarah Anderson's
pictures of the shakes she enjoys, 
so I contacted her and asked if 
they had a place in San Antonio.  
They didn't, but she invited us to 
come to Austen and visit her.  

On our way, I told my sister and 
her husband I had to stop at the 
famous Buc'ees 
gas station/destination stop 
for their BBQ sandwich.  Honestyly, 
it is the best BBQ beef sandwich 
I have ever had and I have craved 
it since I had one a few years ago. 

What a month I had, now I was 
meeting in person the other lovely 
lady who encouraged me to join 
the Tales of the Traveling Tote 
group.  I was over the moon to 
meet both of them in two weeks!!! 

Sarah is such a delightful lady 
and we loved visiting her in 
her gorgeous home.  

This is my favorite picture that 
I snapped of her.  She is so elegant 
and fabulous and this picture could 
be in a magazine.  

Her home could be a museum for 
MacKenzie-Childs!!!  Everywhere 
you look is another fabulous MC 
item from furniture to lamps to 

She even has a MC bathroom!!!

And her backyard is gorgeous 
too.  She is situated in such a 
pretty neighborhood with 
lovely homes.  

Miss Madi K and I had the best 
time getting to know Sarah in person. 

Truly these two weeks were dreams 
come true getting to finally meet 
two of the loveliest ladies, and 
especially since they were the two 
who invited me into the group and 
found a bag online for me so 
that I could be a part of this group. 
Thanks darling ladies.  Now I have 
a few more ladies to get to meet - 
on my bucket list!!

We are finally getting settled 
into our new home, and I will 
start posting that soon.  Whew! 
It has been a project.  

On to your favorite part and that 
is our giveaway!  We have another 
fun tote as a giveaway this time.  

Visit Emily to enter for the tote.

Pop on in and visit all of the 
other ladies in our fun group 
to see where their totes were off to.  

 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

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