Monday, March 10, 2014

Classic Belgian Waffles

Classic Belgian waffles are crisp on the outside
and soft and moist on the inside.  
They make a special breakfast food.
We were in California last summer and
they had a restaurant that all their sandwiches
including hamburgers were placed inside a

Today we are serving it with fruit and cream
but these would be good with a savory filling
and served folded up like a sandwich too.

Hubby got this new Waring Pro
Double Waffle Maker and
we took it up to the cabin at Sundance
for a ski weekend.  

Everyone gets up and going so early that
we made them for lunch instead of breakfast.

These use yeast and also beaten egg whites.  

I followed the recipe in their enclosed booklet
Classic Belgian Waffles

1 1/2 C. warm water, divided
2 1/4 tsp. active dry yeast (one packet)
3 C. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
3 large eggs, separated and 1 egg white
1/3 C. sugar
1 1/2 C. milk
8 T. butter, melted and cooled
2 tsp. vegetable oil
2 tsp. vanilla extract.

Measure 1 C. warm water and dissolve the yeast
in it with a pinch of the sugar from the recipe.  Mix and
let stand for 5 minutes or until bubbly.

Place the flour and salt in a large bowl.  
Mix and set aside.  In another 
bowl mix the egg yolks, one of the
egg whites, remaining sugar 
and the yeast mix.  Add
the additional 1/2 C. water, 
milk, melted butter, oil and
vanilla.  Stir together then stir
 into the flour mixture and
beat until smooth.

In a clean bowl beat the remaining
 egg whites until stiff peaks form.  
Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the
batter to lighten the batter, then fold the remaining egg whites in.  

Let the batter stand for 1 hour, 
stirring every 15 minutes.

Preheat your Belgian waffle maker.  

Pour the batter into the waffle maker and spread
out to the edges.  Close the waffle maker and
wait until the light indicates they are done.

Remove and serve while warm as desired.

This is to make 10 waffles.
We had leftover batter and made
more the next morning.  They were crisp on
the outside and light and moist in the center.
Hubby has been craving them again!

We love waffles and are always trying
new recipes.  When our oldest son was
in high school we would make his football
buddies crepes and we couldn't keep up
with their appetites.  We finally hit on
waffles as even the biggest, toughest guys
could usually just eat two.  Waffles have
been a hit ever since at
Purple Chocolat Home!!

I can't wait to try some savory ones.

Thanks so much for visiting
and spending time with me.

A couple of times I have been
out and about and someone has
come up and recognized me and
told me that they read my blog and
make my recipes.  That just makes
my day!


  1. I am hingry now....delicious !!! Ria...x !

  2. Yummy!
    We love waffles here, and breakfast is our traditional dinner when we have the missionaries for dinner. These are beautiful! How in the world do you make all this good food and stay so slim, Girl? Wish I could do that!
    PS ~ I read your blog and make your recipes! ;)

  3. A star!:)
    That must feel rewarding..
    I won't bump into you but I have made some of your recipes as you know:)

    These look great..I have a similar waffle..will try!

  4. Sounds like a heart breakfast! Looks pretty with the fruit too-enjoy:@)

  5. Delicious! We have the same waffle maker; and it is always a hit, when we entertain for breakfast. We let everyone make their own waffles, with a varied supply of toppings. You can never go wrong with!

  6. Yum, Yum, looks delicious. I don't know how you stay so thin cooking so many yummy things.

    I don't think I will run into you but be sure I would speak!

    I was in Atlanta last week in Anthropologie and recognized a bloggers daughter. I hope she told her mother I felt as if I had grown up with her too.

  7. These look so good!! I have loved waffles my entire life - so much that my father gave me a waffle baker for my birthday, when I was still in high school. So funny. I do not own a Belgian waffle baker, but I might need to buy one, so that I can try your recipe. Thanks for sharing it!

  8. I rarely post comments but do want you to know how much I enjoy your blog and all you share with us. The fact that you seem to be an incredibly kind person is a bonus. :)

  9. I watch way too many foodie shows and have seen tons of sweet and savory waffle sandwiches. A Belgian waffle maker is at the top of my small appliance list. Serving them with strawberries and cream sounds perfect.

  10. I haven't made waffles for so long! Your beautiful Belgian waffles look delicious. I need to break out my ancient waffle maker :)

  11. These look delicious! Beautiful photography too. I have a heart shaped waffle maker that I love to use.


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